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Linking from other URLs

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    Linking from other URLs

    I have a navigation problem.

    The catalog is for members and non-members. Non-members can browse the catalog before they register an account, and account members, when logged in, can buy from the catalog with a certain price level. The navigation works fine within the catalog. However, I have a simple Flash navigator on the left column where when someone clicks on them, it immediately directs them to a page within the catalog such as:

    This works fine until a customer logs in. Then the navigation works with Perl scripts to let the browser know a customer is logged in etc.
    Referring to Page 49 of the Actinic Advanced User Guide - it gives the following link which must be edited to work with Perl.


    After calling technical support they told me to modify the Perl script to the one I was using and was also told to modify the PRODREF to sectionid as it was going to a section not a product. If I have not already lost me, the link I finally created from the above was:

    I modified the Flash navigation with the link I created above. Now, this link works only when the customer is logged in. However, if the customer is not logged in and clicks on the flash navigation - it comes up with a Cookie error as there is no Cookie on thier machine.

    So I understand there are two ways of getting the link to work for Member and Non-Member browsers - but need some advice on getting there. Do I either:

    Modify the link created as it is not correct


    Create two flash navigators, one for Non-members and one for members. The non-members will have simple navigation and the members flash navigator will have the Perl navigation. If this is the better idea - I will also need to know how to display the correct Flash navigator according to if someone has logged in or not.

    Thanks in advance for your time into this matter

    Paul Carruthers

    Inkjet Direct (Europe) Limited
    Paul Carruthers
    Inkjet Direct (Europe) Limited
    Actinic V6 Developer

    Hi Paul,

    Instead of the URL that you were using which contains several errors,

    try the following URL

    Please note that the sectionid should be all uppercase, and the referrer should point to a file usually the catalog Home page which would by default be 'index.html' in the acatalog folder.

    I hope this helps.
    Suresh Babu G

