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V7 Business importing prices for "trade" and "retail"

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    V7 Business importing prices for "trade" and "retail"

    How can I import for an excel/txt (tab) file so that the "retail" price and the "trade" price come into the system?

    Also, does anybody know how to import the prices for multi-buy discounts in this way? I need to import prices individually for each catalog item for 1+, 2+ and 5+ items.

    Any help, most appreciated...!

    Hi Andy

    To import an excel file into Actinic you will first have to convert it into a .CSV file and then import it through File|Import. Could you please explain the second part of your query .

    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      Importing pricing over-rides

      I have a similar problem with price schedules - 25,000 products on our site which I manage from a simple excel spreadsheet using flat file import. I have a 'trade' price schedule and an 'education' price schedule setup in actinic but I need to import all of the trade and education prices because they are calculated individually from my cost price in my excel spreadsheet and not a percentage discount off retail. How do I add the trade and educational prices as fields in my flat import file? The idea of manually over-riding the actinic calculated prices one product at a time is a non-starter, especially since our prices change every few days!


        You need to use a hierarchical file to import price schedule details, if you look at the V7 help, search the index for 'Importing From A Hierarchical File' and then go to the valid field list you will find a table that lists all of the options. To import price schedules, you must first run you flat file import to create the references and then run a hierarchical import using the update option and have a product row for each product followed by a price row for each hard coded price. If you have some prices that follow the price schedule rules then just leave them out of the file.

        Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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          Many thanks for that suggeston - I'll give it a go - it still seems rather cumbersome though. It would be much more straightforward if flat file import would support multiple pricing fields.

