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File suffixes - Sometimes you lot miss the obvious.

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    File suffixes - Sometimes you lot miss the obvious.

    WHY don't you allow .cfm extensions to page names? You let every other technology through, but not ColdFusion.

    Come on guys. I raised this as a need to have for v7. Why was it ignored?

    To be honest this is such a fundementally simple issue that you lot need a kick in the backside for missing it. You should not restrict the file type. WARN that it isn't recognised, but don't prevent a person from using an extension should they wish.

    At the moment I really do think you've fallen over at the first hurdle. You are ignoring a key web technology. This really really annoys the hell out of me. Millions of web pages written in ColdFusion. A key corner stone of the Macromedia server technology range, and you lot ignore it. WHY???!!!!

    So other than being complete idiots over this really stupid thing, keep up the good work. V7 is working well for me. Just get this in for v7.02

    I may have to remap one of your other 'approved' technology extensions to run through the CF server.

    Still can't believe you've done this. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.



    Following an earlier similar comment made
    I requested the *.cfm extension to be added to the list of supported extensions in Actinic.

    This was then raised as a task to do in 7.0.2 (the next maintenance release) and I have passed on your comments to the development team to try and ensure it is included.

    I cannot say any more than that I'm afraid. If you have further questions, my email is cdicken at

