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Main Page Startup

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    Main Page Startup

    Hello, at present I need the login page to be the first page to be displayed on this site. However, I do not have a login.html page as it is generated from the index.html in actinic. For example, a copy of the navigation link which goes to the login page is: (copy shortcut for full view)

    So at present I have an autoredirect page for the index.html to go to that link and brings up the login page. Good so far - until a customer logs in - if he/she closes the webpage down and comes back to this link - they are unable to be redirected with the above link.

    Basically, all I need is the login page to be displayed as the welcome page and if they are already logged in, then the Login Customer name and logout button should be there instead.

    Any ideas?

    Also, in the main navigation there is a login navigation link. When a customer logs in the login option disappears. What I would like is a logout option to be there instead.

    Again any information on this and also the above - I would be most greatfull.

    Paul Carruthers
    Inkjet Direct (Europe) Limited
    Paul Carruthers
    Inkjet Direct (Europe) Limited
    Actinic V6 Developer

    Hi Paul

    Have you tried 'Putting A Login Page Anywhere on Your Site' on Pg 62 of Advanced User Guide 6 (Word version) ?

    Could you also clarify....
    However, I do not have a login.html page as it is generated from the index.html in actinic.
    Would that mean, no login.html page in the SiteHTML folder in Site1?

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Login Page

      I am experiencing the same problem where the link to the login page seems to work when you clear the cache , history atc but if you exit site during ordering the link no longer works would also appreciate any help with this.


        Originally posted by cstechnet
        I am experiencing the same problem where the link to the login page seems to work when you clear the cache , history atc but if you exit site during ordering the link no longer works would also appreciate any help with this.
        Hi there

        Could you please post up your website url so I can have a look, and hopefully see what is causing the problem.

