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Product Listing Not working on V6 upgrade

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    Product Listing Not working on V6 upgrade

    I'm considering upgrading to V7 from V6.

    The site works perfectly well at present.

    I've downloaded the trial of V7 and gone thru the upgrade process, all seems ok and the new site seems to be ok, except it has changed a template somewhere and I am completely stumped as to where.

    I'd consider myself reasonably competant with HTML but this has got me stuck.

    An original, live page can be seen here

    The same page that is generated by V7 can be seen here

    I've checked the Act_Productline template and apart from the addition of a netquotevar for the discount info the template is identical

    Has anyone come across this before?

    Any help / useful comments most welcome.




    The alignment of the page has indeed changed. When I viewed the source code, it seemed that the <div> tags were missing. Can you check if the Act_ProductBody.html template has changed ?

    Also, the images are being looked for in a different folder as compared to your old site. I am attaching the screen grabs for the paths as seen in both cases.
    It might help if all images are stored in the Site 1 folder if they are not already.

    Hope this helps.

    Attached Files
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Thanks for coming back to me on this, I'll certainly check the template.

      As to the images, the V7 page was generated as an offline preview then uploaded to my production server for the purposes of this posting so the image paths won't be correct, that's not a concern here, just the page layout.


