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Displaying component pricing

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    Displaying component pricing

    Hi, I posted this on the V6 forum a couple of days ago with no luck. I thought it may get a responce here?

    I'm trying to set up a product that has the choice of either a dozen items, or single ones. These are priced differently, and have sizes and colours to choose from. The best way to do this seems to be with components, but aside from writing the price in the html field of the component I cant find out how to display a components price. Could someone let me in on the secret?



    Hi Ray

    I don't think it is possible in any other way in Actinic, but you might want to take a look at another related thread which you might find interesting.

    Click here

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck



      Thanks for the reply.

      >don't think it is possible in any other way in Actinic.

      How are you meant to handle customer accounts and components together then? If the price that is displayed is in the HTML, this is going to be wrong for a customer account that either has a certain percentage added, or subtracted from there account. This means that you can’t display component pricing if you are using customer accounts!

      Am I right in saying this? It doesn't sound too good for what I want to do if this is the case...




        Ray / Paul

        I have a similar problem, i need to display the prices for the various options but components and attributes does not allow this, now we are getting grief from trading standards that we must show prices for every item including VAT, but it can not be done unless you list every product seperately.

        I have been looking at displaying all my products in a table with a qty field and add to basket button at the end of each line, but this can not be done as actinic uses a product separator. Does anyone know if i can do this, i am after something similar to

        could this be added to the wish list, someway of diplaying the price for the product either by a generated table or a when the customer picks a the size & colour it shows the price?



          but this can not be done as actinic uses a product separator
          Simply remove the line

          NETQUOTEVAR:INCLUDE Act_ProductSeparator.html

          from your product layout template to remove the separator.

          In 'Actinic v7\Starter Guide\DesginGuide.pdf' is some code for 'Laying Out Your Products in Compact Rows' which you may find useful for laying things out in the way you require.


            Thanks Chris

            Perhaps i need to start again, it did not work last time i did it, or it is probably where i have made so many changes things got messed up or is it a case of not being able to use tables that i created in dreamweaver. I will have a look through, i do not have the design guide just the AUG

            is it a possibilty for future versions to find an easier way of displaying all the prices for the choices?



              Chris or Anyone that can help

              could someone point me in the right direction as to which ID number has the BR tag for the price & price including VAT. If you look at this test area you can see the Icluding VAT drops down onto the next line.




                If you have v7, the 'DesignGuide.pdf' will be in the 'Starter Guide' folder. If you don't, you can get it from

                The <br> in the prices comes from Act_ProductPrice.html. The formatting for the tax messages come from 'Design | Text' - search for 'Including' and 'Excluding' as required.


                  Thanks Chris

                  I think this is what i will have to go with for now, thanks for your help.


