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Standard design frame width problem somewhere ??? lol if you got that!...!!

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    Standard design frame width problem somewhere ??? lol if you got that!...!!


    OK, I have been away over the weekend and thought I would write this now to see if I can get help for me when I get back to it 2moz...

    I am customizing the look for the catalog and have managed to clock most of the files etc design-wise. I still need to do alot of changing things before you start picking at bits but I have hit a snag and didn't want to carry on incase I needed to do a restore.

    Reference links;
    Site in question :
    Design template problem :

    N.B. The site has obviously not been re-launched yet so please don't get shouting the URLs about for obvious reasons.

    The reference site above is the main design layout for the website and then the problem template page is (wooops) the catalog...?!?

    So here goes (the problem),

    I have changed a few of the files to get the catalog to look like the site, i still need to change more stuff like the menu, products, ceckout etc etc but that isn't the problem. The problem is the catalog page content area forces the design width to be wider than my planned content area. If you look at the dashed red border it is wider in the catalog than it is in the site which means that 800x600 viewers have to scroll across the page aswell as down it to get to the full page which i am sure we all know can be annoying (not that we are on that sizes res' but we have to consider all customers options- right?)

    I have looked at as many of the files in /site1 that I had time for before I left the office on Friday (late) evenning lol (this damn new toy I have kept me there)... and i can't seem to find the problem page that judges what width size any of the content pages actually are... I have obviously changed something as the actual content 'sometimes' does sit in the area I want it to and it is just the frame border that shoots our of sync. But sometimes it's the lot, and it appears to be the same width out on most of the problem pages too.

    I have checked my Act_Primary and all obvious Primary files again to double check my design and from what I can see it should work.

    Can anybody help a poor man trying to get his website ot work how he wants to without having to redesign the whole thing again and stop him from loosing his temper with his new toy and throwing it out of the pram?

    Any suggestions will do, lol

    Kind Regards
    Dan @ AFH

    It's Act_SectionSeparator.html - you've got <HR align=center width=600 SIZE=1> in there.


    PS the way I look for these funnies is to save the page via IE's "Save As / Web Page Complete" and then edit the results in Dreamweaver where it's easy to see what's happening.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks for that, i'll check it out...

