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How to configure so that payment provider takes credit card info..

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    How to configure so that payment provider takes credit card info..

    Hi ! Our payment provider wants us to pass values such as customer name, address etc to their site, and then the credit card information is taken at their site only. There are several problems I forsee in doing this with Actinic :

    A. How is it possible to pass values to the Payment provider when Actinic stores such values in NETQUOTEVAR variables ?

    B. The order process does not close in Actinic as the ordering process gets redirected to the Payment Server provider site before the credit card information in processed in Actinic. Therefore, we cannot download orders

    C. When the payment service provider verifies the card information, it wants to return values back to our site, telling us whether the transaction was successful or not. How can that value be received and the order process be closed ?

    Can anyone help with this ?


    If you are using one of the payment service providers supported by Actinic then you will find that Actinic does all this for you. It is almost seamless and not something to worry about.

    Actinic support most of the main PSPs.


