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Product Description for Packing List

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    Product Description for Packing List


    I am looking to print out some additional product related information on the Packing List and Invoice. I beleive this is done by enabling Extend Product Description for Customer Reports in Business Settings.

    I have done this and entered that additional info in the Report Description tab fields for the product. However, this info is not showing up on either the packing list or invoice.

    Is this the correct way to do it? Anybody else having these problems?


    Actually, just an update... it seems to be displaying the required info on online orders, but doesn't with offline orders.

    Anybody else experiencing this?


      Sounds like a little bugette to me - the reports just show what ever is in the report description field, so offline ordering must be forgetting to copy that info over.

      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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        Thanks for pointing this out. I can confirm it is a bug and I have passed it onto the development team to be fixed in the next release.


          Can I just ask if this bug that affects offline orders ever got fixed?

          Also, I have read conflicting replies with regard to the Report Description field - do you just add the new information into the Report description field? Or do you have to copy the existing product information and then add the new information (which seems to be the answer from this post:

          Thanks very much



            It has been recently fixed, but the version with the fix in (7.0.5) is not due out for a couple of months.

            They way they work is that whatever you want to appear in place of the 'Short Description' in the reports, enter this into the 'Report Description' field.

