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Components as Separate Order Lines

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    Components as Separate Order Lines


    I need a bit of help on getting to display some components as separate order lines on the customer reports.

    I have successfully managed to do this for a product which has several consituent products. I.e. a bundled order of widgets is made up of 4 red widgets, 6 green widgets, and 2 blue widgets. This part was ok.

    The difficulty is coming from when I want to use a size attribute. For example, there would be a drop-down list for small, medium and large widget bundle. From this choice, it would be associated with a product i.e. 'Small Widget Bundle'. This product would have components which give the breakdown of differnet colours/quanitites in that bundle.

    The way I currently have this set up, is to have the top-level product, Widget Bundle. It has a 'size' component (to allow to associate with other products) That 'size' component has a 'size' attribute with different choices for 'Small, Medium, and Large.' For each size, I have set up another product, which will be hiddne on the the website. These products have components, of blue, red and green widgets.

    I currently am not able to have the widget bundle breakdown shown on packing lists, etc. It only shows something like:

    Widget Bundle
    size - size - medium

    i.e. it doesn't display the component parts of the medium product.

    I hope you've all been able to follow that, cos its a bit confusing trying to explain it. I know there would be ways around it by having them set up as different products on the website i.e. no drop-down list for small, medium, large. However, due to the quanities of products involved and desire to save space within the page layout, I would ideally implement this sort of feature.

    Thanks a lot for you help (and patience reading the thread)

    Hi There,

    In reports as they stand, Actinic will only show the main order line and the component details rather than the associated product, since you are associating the componenet to the hidden product.

    The packing list does show the associated product reference against the component details, however. I guess if you want the packing list to print out the number of components and the colours too you may need to change the way the report is generated and to do that you need Crystal reports. The other option is to approach Jan at and see if she can come up with something for you.

    Bruce King


      Missing product reference

      Dear Bruce & Alastair

      I think I may have the same or similar problem. I have products made from components so I can alter pricing based on selections but for these products the Product References don't appear on Checkout, Order confirmations, Packing Lists or Invoices - they do oddly enough appear in the line items detail though.

      I have products with No Order Line for Main Product to avoid the "duplicate quantity" appearing. Any idea how to get around this yet ??


        With regards to the first point about product references, do you have 'Hide in Online Catalog' selected for your product references in 'Business Settings | Options'. Make sure this is un-selected (you will need to trun or auto-generation of productuct refs to do this, if you haven't already).

        With regards to the extra quantity value in the cart, check outTHIS knowledge base article.

