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Recomendations for PSP? eclear - hell no!

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    Recomendations for PSP? eclear - hell no!

    I am using Barclays Merchant Services via E-Clear for my current site, and I was going to do the same for my new site. I already have a 2nd Merchant ID from Barclays for the new site.

    However, E-Clear seem to have undergone some staff changes and the service seems to have gone seriously downhill. I have been waiting for them to perform the simple task of setting up an account for about a week (website:"we can get your site up and running within 48hours"). They don't reply to their e-mail, some of them don't even read their e-mail (ah, the joy of web bugs), and every time I chase them they tell me they are about to do it in the next fews hours...

    Can anyone recomend another PSP that will work with Actinic v6 and Barclays Merchant Services? One that can set things up pretty sharpish?

    And if there is anyone out there using e-clear, did they just re-run a batch of transactions from a couple of months ago resulting in customers getting charged twice? or did they just do that to me? Again, I'm not getting any explanation from them as to what they did, or what they are doing to fix it...


    We've been using SECPay with BMS for over 3 years and could definitely recommend them. Problems very isolated and there's always somebody to help.

    Mike Julien

