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Calling all Guru's

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    Calling all Guru's

    I know this question has probably been asked a number of times but is there anybody out there who has developed a way of limiting a certain number of products per page yet.

    I have read through most of the articles withitn the community but I can't seem to find the solution.

    If there is any guru's out there who have developed a solution to go back and forth between pages within sections then please let me know.

    The issue I have is trying to created multiple pages of 15 products and have them not show up within the nortree menu automatically.

    Is this within the actinic wishlist because all my clients seem to get disheartened when you tell them that there vast section has to be displayed all at once.

    Any responses would be grateful.

    Lee Jackson
    Creative Director

    Centurius Design & Marketing
    Centurius Website
    Portfolio of Work

    I think it can be done - I have something similar at (a hobby site) where the software automatically handles page splits.

    If this is of use to you then I can send an asp page showing how the software handles this.

    Having said that, I think that this is not good practice and I would not implement such a solution. I have seen many websites that show this page 2 - but unless you are looking for it - it is easily missed.

    If for instance you have 15 items in a section I would be inclined to give each product its own sub section. You could lay out the individual product sections in a neat 5x3 matrix and give a wee pic, and a price indicator.

    see for an example.



      Hi Niall,

      This the second time you've helped me today. Thanks.

      The suggestion you made first could be promising regarding the asp. The layout that the client has agreed to is below: See what you think.

      design link

      Obviously they would like to restrict the amount of products if poss.

      Once again thanks for the help.

      Lee Jackson
      Creative Director

      Centurius Design & Marketing
      Centurius Website
      Portfolio of Work



        As your site grows you may need a cascading menu such as Norcascade or the one I use.

        I can send the asp page to you if you like. This uses VBscript which you will have to change to javascript.

        I have mocked up the way I would do it. This way you have 15 products on one page. This is a 75% mock up due to size restrictions.

        Attached Files



          Sorry have just seen

          That is very much the way I would go. Actinic cannot use asp (as far as I am aware). The vbscript works server side to decide what information to load into the page.

          Javascript would be able to load images ok - but not sure how it would handle the product info.


            Hi Niall,

            Thanks for the suggestion on the layout. Unfortunatley the client has signed the layout off however they are aware of the issue at hand. Thanks again for your time regarding this matter.

            By the way the navigation will be using the Nortree Menu solution.


            Lee Jackson
            Creative Director

            Centurius Design & Marketing
            Centurius Website
            Portfolio of Work

