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Adding Additional Other Info Lines

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    Adding Additional Other Info Lines

    This functionality has been covered in previous releases, but nobody appears to have raised it as an issue in v7.

    I urgently need to be able to add multiple other info fields for a site that sells personalised products. I have searched the forums here and it seems that this functionality is not available from Actinic, but a patch is available from Norman Rouxel ( for v5 & v6.

    I've tried unsuccessfully (twice!) to apply Norman's v6 patch to my v7 code - but without success. All I see on the product page is Option1 | Option2 etc with only one entry field!

    So here are my three queries:
    • Has anyone managed to create this functionality in v7?
    • Norman, when do you anticipate publishing a v7 version of your patch?
    • Why have Actinic not implemented this functionality in v7 when users have been creating a patch for it since v5?


    Norman, when do you anticipate publishing a v7 version of your patch?
    Sorry. I've no need for this myself so it will have to wait until someone else does it or hires me to do it for them.

    I've done well over 100 Actinic tweaks and I'd have no life if I redid them all on demand for V7.


    PS. It may well work for V7. I don't think that too much has changed re the Other Info prompt.

    PPS. I just tried it on 7.0.1 using the 6.1.3 onwards readme (and faithfully following the instructions) and it works just fine. If you post a URL of a page using this prompt I may be able to see what you're doing wrong.
    Last edited by NormanRouxel; 11-Aug-2004, 05:54 PM. Reason: Tested patch out.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Finally got it to work - doh!


      As you suspected it was finger (brain) touble on my behalf and I've now managed to implement the patch sucessfully.

      I totally misunderstood the instruction..."In Actinic / Design / Text / HTML find the line...". Instead of changing the desired line via Actinic as you indicated, I edited and modified prompt.fil instead (as this was the only file I found that contained a reference to Phase -1, ID 2161). As soon as I realised this I restored the original prompt.fil, modified the HTML via Actinic as described and Robert was my Aunt's husband!

      The instruction seems obvious now, but somehow I managed to think it was a list of Actinic folders rather than a menu heirarchy.

      Embarrassed by nevertheless very pleased - Greg

      P.S. Actinic - I still think you should provide this functionality 'out of the box'. Sites selling personalised items such as the one I'm building are very likely to require two or more 'Other Info' type fields per product where the customer provides their personalised information. Comments?

