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Delivery Dates

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    Delivery Dates


    I am totally new to this forum stuff, I was recommended to join by my hosts, Harlequin, because I have a question regarding my actinic 6 site. Unfortunately I am not at all up on code and stuff, so any complicated answers I shall throw at them!

    In my catalog, the customers have to specifiy delivery dates, but I can only offer same day delivery if goods are ordered before 11 am each day. I still have customers getting nasty with me because they are able to state same day even after my quoted cut off time of 11am.

    Is there a way I can get actinic to turn the date around after 11am each day, so that customers cannot order same day if I dont want them to?

    Also, along the same lines, other products must be ordered at least 3 days in advance. Is there a way I can specify for individual products the first available delivery date as (for example) 3 days hence??

    I am hoping some-one has a trick or two to help me.

    Thanking you in advance

    It should be possible to have a description (or in your case, warning) appear with each shipping class. To edit this description, you go to View, Business Settings, Shipping and Handling tab. Right-click the class of post you want to alter (e.g. First Class, or Same Day), and click Properties. There you have a description field in which you could enter some warning text.

    e.g. For a class called Same Day, your warning text could read:

    There seems to be a problem with this method though. I have tried entering text in the description field (indeed the Actinic First & Second classes already have this text in). For some reason, none of the description text appears at the checkout stage. The Act_ShippingSelectTemplate.html contains a variable called NETQUOTEVAR:SHIPPINGEXTRAINFO. As far as I can see, this has no effect.

    Can anyone help here?
    Nick Morecroft
    01392 434530
    <A target=_blank href =""></A>
    hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce


      Still need help!

      Thanks Nick for your advice.

      Problem here is that I dont have or need shipping classes because my prices are inclusive of shipping.

      I have written everywhere possible (on every product page, top of the checkout page and in terms and conditions) what the cut off times are.

      However, I'm sure you realise that customers are a funny lot, and either can't read, or refuse to!!! This is why I need script to avoid the problem occuring in the first place.

      We have the section in the product details for inputting valid from and to dates with regards to the delivery date, so I am hoping we can twist this further.

      Can anyone else help?



        Such code might be possible, but it would be fairly complicated, and you would probably have to pay someone to work it out.
        Half the trick of educating customers, is getting them to read what you want. The best way is to force them, or make it as obvious as possible.

        You could alter the date prompt text to include the warning. Try something like this:

        When would you like them delivered?<br><b><i>(SAME DAY DELIVERY ONLY AVAILABLE ON ORDERS MADE BEFORE 11AM!)</i></b>
        You can alter text between the brackets.
        <br> is newline.
        <b>...</b> are the surrounding tags for bold.
        <i>...</i> are the surrounding tags for italics.

        Have a look at this image for the result:

        That should be enough to get the customers' attention, if they don't pay heed to that, then they shouldn't be shopping on the internet!
        Nick Morecroft
        01392 434530
        <A target=_blank href =""></A>
        hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce


          I see your dilema - I hate popups but they do have a place in such cases - you may want to include a popup warning along the same lines - say a small window without navigation that of course they have to confirm by clicking on the 'OK' button.

          It would mean copying and pasting some code into one of the template files that they get to during the order process (don't know which one would apply to you)

          The code in question can be found on any Free Perl / CGi / Script web sites out there - I am sure many people here have some ideas as to which ones are good for this sort of thing.

          It amazes me how 'blind' some customers are that visit online....good luck
          ## Community is communication in unity ##


            Big thanks!

            LoL and thanks for your help!

            I like the idea of shouting at the customer at the point of sale! Some of them need it too.

            I will try out the ideas
            thanks again


              I have a little script which will display the next delivery date based on certain criteria.

              In my case after 2pm the next delivery will be the day after tomorrow. Th script allows for no sunday deliveries and you can add a list of the UK bank holidays.....

              It wont stop customers choosing an invalid date, but at least thay have been told.

              The other thing I do is always add one to the default delivery date so the default prompt is always tomorrow!!


                i'd be interested in your script


                i'd be intrested in your little bit of script which will display the next delivery date based on certain criteria.

                What cirteria does it look at?

                As i'd like to be able to give a selection of avaiable delivery dates depending on address or state?
                but, if that isn't possible just being able to select a delivery date on a drop down menu or something would be a great help.

                Mnay Thanks

                Jay cee

