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Search facility - for non-alphanumericcharacters

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    Search facility - for non-alphanumericcharacters

    Hi All

    A question about the search tool on Catalog v6...

    I give a star rating to some of my products, using asterisks.

    eg * = good, ** = very good etc.

    Anyway, I thought that the products with stars could be identified quickly by just searching for asterisks - but this doesn't work. What happens is that nothing is found, and looking in the search log file the string checked for is " ". So the asterisk has been converted to a space.

    My question therefore is:-

    Is it correct that any non alphanumeric characters in a search string will be replaced with spaces for the search, and is there any work-around for this, so that I can search for a displayed "*" (or any other non-alphanumeric character?

    All help gratefully received.


    Fighting with sellerdeck on


    Search engines and searches often use thinks like "*" to mean certain things. Using " " quote marks searches for exact matches between the quotes. Some searches us the "*" astrix as a wildcard, eg If i have a product Called 'ChickenPIE' and the user searches for Chick*
    then ChickenPIE would turn up.

    Maybe you could insert a little image instead or rate it like 1/10 - 10/10
    Cheers FrAz


      I tried both * on its own and also "*" i.e. between quotes, and you get the same result, i.e. doesn't do what I want. I also tried changing the character set in View | Search Settings but it won't accept an asterisk.

      I could use a little image as you suggest - and in many ways this would be better, as it could look like a real star instead of an asterisk - but I'm not sure this would be searchable either.

      Pity, because the asterisk really is the best way to go.

      Ho Hum

      Fighting with sellerdeck on

