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V6 to V7 Upgrade Question - Perl Related

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    V6 to V7 Upgrade Question - Perl Related


    I'm in the middle of upgrading from V6 to V7. I received an error saying that certain perl files containing modifications that I made, have been overwritten by the new V7 files. The error said i could look at a log and determine what perl files were updated.

    I mistakenly clicked "OK" and did not read the name of the log that contains the Perl files that I need to re-update.

    Does anyone know what the name of this log file is? I've searched to no avail.

    BTW, the perl modifications I made are in relation to displaying multiple "other info" fields and having them show up in the shopping cart.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.


    I think that the log file is named dependant on what you decide, so could be anything.

    If you are aware of the changes that you actually made, then should be easy enough to go through your old files, locate the additions you created and then paste them into the v7 files (assuming they work in v7 that is ofcourse), but should not be too much of a job so long as you recall what you added..


      Yeah, I figured on doing that... it would be nice though to find that log file and just be certain which files I am going to update.




      EDIT: I just found the script. It was in my Site1 directory and was titled, "ScriptUpgrades" in case anyone needs to find this down the road.


        Alright... I fixed all the Perl files and it went fine... on to a NEW problem.

        Almost all of my custom HTML templates that I was using in V6 have been altered in a way that all the HTML customization has been stripped out. All my JavaScript and PHP customization still exists fine, however, any HTML (i.e. graphics, tables, cells, fonts, etc.) are all gone.

        During the Site Upgrader, I "automatically upgraded" all the files as recommended, as most of the conflicts were minor. But now what should I do?

        Any suggestions?




          You may have to re-apply your HTML changes. A backup of your untouched templates (before the upgrade) will be available in a folder called something like 'Backup v6.' within your 'Actinic v7' folder.

          Details of all the differences between the v6 and the v7 templates can be found in the v7 release notes.


            "You may have to re-apply your HTML changes..."

            I'm realizing that this is what I have to do... unfortunately, this is going to take a LONG time to do.

            Had I known this was part of the upgrade process, I probably wouldn't have bothered with the upgrade at all.


            - Jeremy


              It's a tricky one.

              Actinic looks at your templates and tries to merge your changes with the latest v7 changes.

              It is pretty good when all people have done is inserted bits of HTML here and there. It gets into a mess, however, when it tries to get to grips with large-scale changes as it can't work out where to insert the new v7 code.

              Take a look at the release notes for v7. You'll see that a lot of the templates have nery simple changes (e.g. product layout templates only have the variable NETQUOTEVARISCOUNTINFO added in - there are no other changes). Act_Primary is the big one to get right - and there are quite a few changes to that one so take your time over that one.


                OK, Thanks for your help.

                I'll give it a go. Unfortunately I have a dozen or more templates based of ACT_Primary, so a lot of work is ahead.

                But I've got to have that coupon function!

