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Link to Sage - account numbers

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    Link to Sage - account numbers

    I'm currently evaluating Business V7 and have been using Sage for some time. I am trying to set up the account reference naming scheme so as to fit in with the current format I use in Sage. The Sage account references are made up of the first three characters of the surname (or company name) followed by a three digit number. So a first Mr Smith would be SMI001, the second would be SMI002, ... the tenth would be SMI010, and so on.

    I understand the example used in the help file using a sequence number to generate the final section of the code but I would like the number to be three digits (with leading zeros as appropriate). This format is much better for analysis purposes for a variety of reasons - all references will be the same length, the position of alphanumeric and numeric characters is fixed, etc.

    Any ideas? All help appreciated!

    Hi Richard,

    I managed to get this going by setting up my customers tab as the following:

    Position Source Char. No. Default Char.
    1 Surname 1 x
    2 Surname 2 x
    3 Surname 3 x
    4 Sequence No.
    5 Sequence No.
    6 Sequence No.
    7 Not Required
    8 Not Required

    I then placed 3 orders with the following name/company:

    Toby Blanchard
    Toby Blanball
    Toby Blackhead

    In Sage the following A/C were created:


    Is this what your looking for?

    Toby Blanchard



      Cheers Toby,

      That's exactly what I'm looking for! I tried it like that at first but for some reason it didn't work like that (obviously the "some reason" would have been user error). I've tried it again and now it does.

      Thanks very much.


        Hi all

        I have a query about this same subject, I have been asked to set up the Actinic to Sage 50 links and I have everything working ok, its just that the girls who need to search out Customers do so by Postcode is it possible to set this up as most post codes are different in length.

        WE23 67Y in sage = WE2367Y

        I have set up the fields in the Customer tab as follows:

        1 Post code x
        2 Post code x
        3 Post code x
        4 Post code x
        5 Post code x
        6 Post code x
        7 Post code x
        8 Post code x

        but I keep getting the 'X' appearing in the space of the Postcode (WE23X67Y)is it possible to get around this?

        cheers in advance.



          Hi Chris,

          I don't think that will be possible as you cannot have a space for the A/C Ref in Sage.

          You will need to have a character of some sort to act as a space. How about a "_"

          Toby Blanchard

