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Force Completing Orders

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    Force Completing Orders

    This happens to me once in a while. I have a number of orders which are infact complete (all shipped, payments received) where a backorder was generated and this has either been deleted as the customer no longer wanted it or the back order was shipped paid and shipped.

    Is there a way of force moving these orders to the complete queue?Particularly where a user cancelled the back-order items and the backorder has been deleted.

    I currently have (over time) got about 20 of these backorder/deleted orders in my pending queue.

    Adam - Combining Actinic Catalog and Macromedia Coldfusion in a heady mix of chaos and confusion.

    Hi Adam

    There are 3 things you need to do to complete an order...

    1/ Ship the ordered items in the Line Items tab
    2/ Complete the payment in the Progress and Payments tab
    3/ Print the invoice

    This will move the order from the pending tab to the completed.

    However, you can also force complete orders by going into the databse in your site1 folder called ActinicCatalog.mdb.

    Open the Order table within ActinicCatalog.mdb. Locate the order number in question.
    Change the Status column to "F"
    Enter in a date for the Date Order Finished column, e.g. 2004/08/18 11:10
    Change the nTotalItemsShipped column to match nTotalItemsOrdered.

    When you re-open Actinic the order will hopefully be completed.

    Hope that helps


      I've never had a cancelled backorder, but all my completed one's have been moved to the completed page.

      Are you completing the whole process including printing out the invoices? (i'm only asking because you don't mention it).


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        It really is a case of cancelled back orders making the pending screen become cluttered because their original orders get completed as part of the completion update on the back order.

        Would it be possible to for Actinic to add this to a wish list to be able to right click on an order and select force complete (happy to have it tell me what is outstanding and am I sure I want to do this) ?

        To ask a user to hack the backend is a bit of a weird one when you know what the procedure is to enable this to be done as a one click operation.

        It also implies they have Access (ok ok I do but not everybody will).

        Adam - Combining Actinic Catalog and Macromedia Coldfusion in a heady mix of chaos and confusion.


          I've tested this on a backorder I have with V6 and confirm that if you cancel an item on backorder that the order will not complete. Even if you print out the packing list and invoice.

          I agree that people shouldn't have to force it themselves in the database. Actinic need to take a look at this and report it the development team.


          PS. The invoice I printed out did say 'excess payment received' so it may be that you need to make a payment adjustment, either in the backorder or possibly in the original order.
          Last edited by Mike Hughes; 18-Aug-2004, 02:27 PM. Reason: Further information added.

          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            I agree the behaviour here is very strange.

            The problem is that the payment status of the parent order never changes from 'Partial Payment Received' as although all the lines in the back order have been marked as cancelled, there is still a requirement to mark the payments of the back order as received.

            If you look in the 'Totals' tab of the back order you will probably see that the 'Current' column has '£0.00' for the 'Products Total' field, but it will probably still have the shipping cost in 'Shipping Cost' field. You can remove this by entering '£0.00' in the 'Shipping Cost' field and clicking 'Apply'. The payment of the parent order should then change to 'Full Payment Received'. If you print the invoices then the order will be marked as completed.


              So you asking me to print trees to get rid of an order. I've been living with this problem since back-ordering was introduced. I can wait until you lot sort out a force complete function.
     - Combining Actinic Catalog and Macromedia Coldfusion in a heady mix of chaos and confusion.


                You could always get a free PDF printer at

