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Another link to Sage query

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    Another link to Sage query

    I have thousands (literally) of stock items set up in Sage - a lot due to combinations of sizes and colours - and I have pretty much the same range of products in Actinic. I have been using Actinic for a while and have let the program generate the product references so I'll need to change them all or map them to the Sage codes, I think. But...

    I can only see one product reference in Actinic even though there can be several attributes and/or components and I need each permutation set up as a different stock item.

    How do I get a list of Actinic product references? I cannot see a report that does this and I have tried exporting to a csv file but the export keeps hanging and when cancelled has the error message: "the parameter is incorrect".

    It's probably me being thick but: Help!

    Hi Richard,

    I can only see one product reference in Actinic even though there can be several attributes and/or components and I need each permutation set up as a different stock item.
    What you will need to do is associate hidden products to all your choices. Make sure the references for these hidden products are the same as in Sage. This is because when an invoice\SOP is created it will use the correct Sage products.

    To associate products to choices you will need to go into the component details and select the hidden product from the "Product" column in the Permutations tab.

    Toby Blanchard


      More questions!

      Thanks Toby,
      Just to make sure that I’m doing the right thing:

      1. I need to import all the Sage products and codes (which I have done with the Link program);
      2. Then hide them (I've put them in a hidden section);
      3. Then create a component for every Actinic product that does not already have one:
      4. Then move product attributes to the components;
      5. Then associate each permutation of a component with the relevant Sage code;
      6. For new products, I let Actinic create a new code automatically, import the Sage products and then repeat the steps 2-5 above;
      7. I will not need to use a product reference translation table as the codes used will be the Sage codes I have imported.

      Needless to say I now have more questions:

      If this is correct, it does seem a very long-winded, not to mention tedious, mainly manual exercise. Is there a way to automate this?

      When I import the order information from Actinic to Sage, is there any problem about Sage not recognising the Actinic product codes or does it just take the associated codes for the component permutations and ignore the main Actinic-generated ones?

      By the way, when I imported the Sage products they appeared in a somewhat random order. I assume that this is the chronological order in which they were entered in Sage. I used the free program from Mole End Software to sort them into product code order. It was very quick and easy to do – I’d recommend the program for anyone who needs to do something similar – thank you Mole End!



        3. Then create a component for every Actinic product that does not already have one:

        Only if that product has a selection of choices that need reference numbers. If not, just make sure the products reference number matches the sage reference number.

        6. For new products, I let Actinic create a new code automatically, import the Sage products and then repeat the steps 2-5 above;

        If the products do not have choices just enter the Sage reference for that product reference (make sure you have “autogenerate references” unchecked in View | Business Settings | Options). If they do have choices add your components and assign the hidden products to the permutations.

        7. I will not need to use a product reference translation table as the codes used will be the Sage codes I have imported.

        If this is correct, it does seem a very long-winded, not to mention tedious, mainly manual exercise. Is there a way to automate this?

        Not that I know of I’m afraid

        When I import the order information from Actinic to Sage, is there any problem about Sage not recognising the Actinic product codes or does it just take the associated codes for the component permutations and ignore the main Actinic-generated ones?

        If you have “component as separate order line” checked only the associated products will be imported into sage. For your standard products just make sure the Actinic reference is the same as the Sage reference.

        By the way, when I imported the Sage products they appeared in a somewhat random order. I assume that this is the chronological order in which they were entered in Sage.

        I believe they are listed in the order of the Sage product code (although if you have created sections/departments within Sage that you have brought into Actinic then they will be placed within these sections in product code order)

        Toby Blanchard

