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order past its end

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    order past its end

    After a horrible crash I had to reinstall actinic

    When I retrieve orders I get

    'An attempt was made to access order past its end' i click 'ok' and then i get...

    'The heavily encrypted data from the order blob appears to be corrupt. However, the majority of the order was retrieved'

    The credit card info has been lost.

    Please can someone suggest a solution. Previous directory fully backed up if I need old files.


    Hi Peter,

    When you re-install Actinic a new encryption key is created. If the encryption does not match the key on the web site you will get the errors stated and credit card details are stripped out. This prevents people downloading customer’s credit card info. if they got hold of your FTP details.

    If you have a snapshot you can recover the key. If not just refresh the web site and any subsequent orders placed will download fine.

    Toby Blanchard



      worked perfectly


        Hi all - my motherboard has just failed! I've got a second PC and have installed Actinic with an old snapshot but am having the same download problems (no credit card details are coming through).

        All my current site data is on the other PC - the hard drive and backup drive are fine but I can't get them to work with this PC.

        Have a new PC on order (cheaper than buying a new motherboard and components!) at which point I can install Actinic and take my up to date data over and do a site refresh to cure the encryption issue.

        In the meantime am I totally stuffed until I can do a refresh?


          Ignore me!! Recently had my hard drive replaced and at the time I created a notepad document with the encryption key (forgot I had it!). Have boshed this in and now all downloads perfectly again.

          Not throwing "useless" scraps of old paper and floppies away has finally paid off!


            I did a quick search and see that I have reminded people 31 times that copying and pasting the info in Housekeeping / Security into a backup file is a good idea. It's great to see that others do this too.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              only 31 Norman!!


                I've followed norman's advice on this and it's saved me once already. If you don't already do so, make sure you keep a copy of the security keys somewhere. All you need to do is copy/paste each one into a text file.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


