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    You are not authorized to view this page

    Just a small problem, I have noticed on my test site that I have a problem when you add to shopping basket or click on 'Continue shopping' from the shopping basket. It does not take me back to my section pages but to this message:-

    "You are not authorized to view this page
    You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied."

    With HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
    Internet Explorer

    Help needed, thank you, regards Mash


    Could you please provide the URL of your site.
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      My test site can be found at]Test Site[/URL]

      Dump orders can be placed, just select cheque or postal order as method of payment please.

      Thank you Mash


        403 Forbidden


        I have been to your site and placed an order without having to replicate the problem.

        I beleive that the problem may have been caused due to the wrong permissions set on the directories.

        The permissions on the 'Acatalog' directory needs to be set to '777' and the 'Cgi-bin' directory '755' for Actinic to work correcly, these are *nix server commands, however on a NT or Win servers the 'Acatalog' needs to be set to 'Read, Write and Execute' on all groups and 'Read and Execute' on the 'Cgi-bin' directory.
        Thank You
        Menar Khan


          Hi there, thanks for your order! I am still have the same error come up, I will later today try on another PC to see if I have the same problem, however, I have had three other people testing it with the same result!

          Will get the serve setting check too, again later on today.

          Thanks for your help so far.

          Best regards Mash


            I think this problem is that you do not have a file called 'index.html' within your 'acatalog' folder online.

            Your 'shop base page name' (in 'Design | Options | Site Defaults') looks like it is set to 'Act_Header.html'. Could you please change this to 'index.html' and then upload.


              The whole thing has fallen over now, generating this error

              A General Script Error Occurred

              Error: ./acatalog/ is corrupt. The signature is invalid

              I am going go back to a snap shoot which was work, clear some files out and upload it again.

              I will do the changes and let you know. Thank you for your help, much appreciated.

              Regards Mash


                Chris, have changed to index.html, have had a complete nightmare with that error above. Went back a couple of snapshots to get it working.

                Needs some work to get it up to date. However, the problem I am having is that when it bounced back to the section loads up a second menu bar farme. Again if you select an item, onther farme is added.

                Any suggestions on getting over this?

                Regards Mash


                  Crumbs. I am assuming you have done a refresh (Web | Refresh Website).

                  Other than that, the only thing I can recommend is to copy all the *.pm and *.pl files from the 'Original' directory into your 'Site1' folder as the Perl online manages the frames. Once you have copied the files, then refresh the website.

                  Good luck.


                    Chris could you have a look at this Right this is very strange.

                    No doubt you will be aware of the discount policy of our site trying to encourage people to buy more than 1 pack for a delivery month.

                    However strange problem has occurred.

                    When making use of the hidden product's 'Customer message' in the price tab, use being to promote this discount using this message:-
                    "Discount available if you order two or more packs for the same delivery month! Why not order with a friend!"

                    It is great, under each product the message appears.

                    However, once on the site, it seams to generate this scrip error.

                    A General Script Error Occurred

                    Error: ./acatalog/ is corrupt. The signature is invalid.
                    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

                    Is this fault by association, I remove the message and it works.

                    Just strangely points to this message, it this possible or have I gone mad.

                    Kind regards Mash

