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Coupon Code for Free Shipping Offer

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    Coupon Code for Free Shipping Offer


    We want to promote a specific product line with free shipping if a user enters a coupon code. The system is obviously not set to work with this discount method, but can anyone offer an alternative work around.

    I have looked at the method of altering weights and shipping bands as C Dicken advised someone in an earlier post, but we would really like to target a set group of customers and offer them the benefit of free shipping so that they feel that they are really benefiting from being on our mailing list.



    Hi Richard,

    I do something similar but without requiring users to enter a code.

    The way I do it is to have a 'free shipping (members only)' option for shipping. If someone selects it who hasn't already signed up then they are automatically added to the members (i.e. mailing) list.

    Yes, the odd one or two select this with garbage in the email address but to my way of thinking if they want to buck the system just to save a little shipping cost then they probably wouldn't buy from me if I forced them to pay for the shipping.

    At least my way, there's no need for a code (although I will be using one on some other promotions later on using V7).

    On average 55% of my customer use the free shipping option, so there's a reasonable number who'll pay shipping rather than be put on the mailing list.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


