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One product in multiple product groups

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    One product in multiple product groups

    First off, kudos to Actinic for adding the Product Groups/Discounts functionallity! Now, because us users are never happy, I would like suggest an addition to this functionality. Our marketing department sends out flyers offering discounts on a monthly basis to several different groups of customers. I set up the titles from these flyers as product groups and assign them a coupon code and the appropriate discount. Frequently, we will have one product on two or three seperate flyers at once. I am learning that Actinic does not allow a product to be in more than one product group at a time (or so it seems). Is there a way to have a product in more than one product group at a time? If not, can this be added to the wish list for future updates?

    Thank You

    Agreed, this would be something that others would welcome if possible in a future version, as it would enable the grouping of different items into product categories, where the category of the offer might overlap with products that can go in multiple offer categories, i.e. for lack of a better idea and electronic gadget where batteries might be included in the offer, but individually an offer might be on for those batteries also, i.e. on there own maybe...


      Thanks for this - I will let the developers know.


        To clarify this. As I understand it my problem does not work.. Product group a has buy 3 get one free.. The client wants a coupon to give a 10% discount to the total bill. I can't create the discount to all products because some of the products are in product group a.
        Can someone confirm this to be true or point me in the right direction?
        Hanson Web Design
        Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design



          You are fine because the 10% discount applies to the entire store, and so is set up within the 'Order Value' tab, whilst your 'Buy three get one free' is for a product group and so is set up within the 'Cart Content' tab.

          The problem is if you had two product groups with special offers, and you want the same product to participate in both special offers.


            Chris, thanks I will give it another go... Else I'll be back
            Hanson Web Design
            Actinic hosting, Actinic Software, template design and re-design

