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Footer always at bottom of browser window

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    Footer always at bottom of browser window

    I've designed a shop with a header and a footer based on those of my existing none shop website. On my existing website, the footer is always at the bottom of the browser window regardless of what size that window is, unless the content of the page would not then fit between the header and footer, in which case the footer is at the bottom of the page but after it has scrolled. This is achieved using tables and placing the main content (i.e. anything which features below the header but above the footer) in a cell which is 100% high.

    With the product listing pages I have been able to use the same principle by opening a 100% high cell in the header file and then closing same as the first entry in the footer file - effectively trapping the page code listing the products generated by Actinic within a 100% high cell.

    However, I cannot find a way to achieve this with the cart and checkout screens. My 100% sizes seem to be ignored so that the page is the minimum size necessary to hold all the information displayed and only increases in size when this content increases in length.

    Can somebody please tell me how I can make my footer always appear at the bottom of the browser window leaving white space below the cart table/checkout info as necessary?

    Many thanks


    Hi there,

    Could you please let me know, what theme you are using? You can find them in 'Design | Themes'. In certain themes, the Act_Footer.html is not used in the checkout, so the code inserted there is being ignored. Please try inserting the table code into Act_Primary.html as it will appear same both in the store pages as well as in the checkout stage.

    Hope this helps.
    Suresh Babu G

