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Number of Products shown on a page

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    Number of Products shown on a page

    Last year, it has been said that the solution will be treated with the next major release ( V7 I suppose ) but I don't see it......

    Is there a way in Actinic that you can set the number of products shown on a page without having to create numerous sub-sections and dividing the products up?

    Thank you very much,

    Bruno ( Actinic )

    splitting up products


    There is no way other than to do it manual, I fininally got around to doing it on on Friday, it was hassel but it works ok.

    Just divide products in to new groups .. then at the end of each group insert a new product with layout for inserting messages and wack your html in for the page number etc wrapped in !!< >!!

    I think its worth the hard work ..
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


      hi there,

      nice site by the way, do you know if anyone has been able to do this combining your method and the nortree menu?


      Lee Jackson
      Creative Director

      Centurius Design & Marketing
      Centurius Website
      Portfolio of Work


        no idea ..

        But if I were using the nortree menu .. id probbers look at generating it first time and then looking at the generated script and strip out what I didn't want and from that point use it manually ?

        Or look for similar navigation system on a script site online and manually build it ?? ..

        Just a suggestion ..

        Or email the guy who coded the nortree .. maybe he can help you further .. I cant remember off top of head who made it .. but I am sure you can find him ..
        s a b b i e t a g e d


        A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..


          I have done this using PHP. Instead of using a template for the products, I put all the product info into (techy bit) an array of objects and then print them. I only print the number required, offset by the page number which is generated automatically.

          All the products for a section go into one place (no need to split them like I used to do) so it cuts down on maintenance.

          The advantage of this is that users can also sort by price and alphabetically.

          For an example, visit It's an adult site, so be warned.

          Oh, and this is a V5 installation too.


            Hi, I've been looking to do a simular thing as above.

            I viewed the above site (Which was very well layout) and was wondering if JCW Trading could help me to achive the same effect.

            I'm quite new with php and would probley need to be walked through the process.

            Many Thanks

            Jay Cee


              Craig posted that over a year ago and may not be active anymore. I notice that his site is suspended.

              Anyway I'm tinkering with a very similar thing and you can see the work in progress at - I've not added any code to split the products into N per page, but that's trivial to add.

              There are 18 different views of the products available in this example, 3 layouts, 3 orders (optionally reversed).

              The most compact view doesn't have room for product options so clicking the name takes you to a larger view that has options. If you were always selling items with no Attributes / Choices then you could do Add to Cart on all views.

              Making the Product Template generate PHP structures that are then expanded by code in Act_ProductBody imposes some limitations on the Actinic Site:-

              It won't work with Business - you can't use Search Highlighting - you can't use Quantity on Product Page (unless you will never have any Quantities or Prompts that could contain erronous values) - and there may be more limitations.

              This route is quite extendable - for example you could order your pages depending on a Custom Property, which the customer could choose to use or even specify a min / max range to show.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                Thanks for the reply, what norman's doing looks great I look forward to seeing the out come.

                Do you think there will be any way of getting this to work in business?

                Jay Cee


                  This solution relies on PHP and you just can't mix Perl generated HTML (which Business relies on) with PHP.

                  I've updated the demo ( ) to show filtering - including using a Custom Property to restrict the displayed items.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

