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paypal: PSP (Error)

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    paypal: PSP (Error)

    I continually get Payment Status of (Error) when being paid through Paypal. The money has been received in my paypal account and I can manually change the status to payment received. However, it is a bit of a waste of time.

    I have seen previous threads about this suggesting that it would be fixed in version 6.1.4, but I already have version

    Would 6.1.5 fix this problem, or should I try something else?

    Incidentally, I can not remember what email address I bought catalog with, so can I still get the upgrade?


    Try downloading and installing the latest PSP setup file that you can get from here (PSP link at bottom of screen).
    Incidentally, I can not remember what email address I bought catalog with, so can I still get the upgrade?
    Do you mean to v6.1.5 or v7. If v6.1.5 then you can download the patch and apply that (it does not matter which e-mail address you enter here). Alterntively, you can get the upgrade to v7 for free if you have a cover contract with us, in that case you can apply for it here


      Thanks Tracey - Downloaded the PSP setup file and this seems to have worked.

      I do not qualify for upgrade to v.7
      I am concerned about upgrading to version 6.1.5 (from 6.1.4) as there seem to be some threads here that make me nervous about this. Is there a problem or is it very unlikely that something will go wrong?



        Hi David,

        Downloaded the PSP setup file and this seems to have worked
        Great news!

        Is there a problem or is it very unlikely that something will go wrong?
        I'm afraid that there is always a risk when upgrading. We do not have any issues with v6.1.5 here in support so I don't know of anything that will cause a problem for you. The main issue with upgrading is whether or not you have a heavily customised site or not and whether the 'upgrader' is able to cope with the changes that you have made to the templates. The best thing to do is to create a snapshot of your site before carrying out the upgrade and then do the following:

        1. Suspend ordering (View | Business Settings | Ordering tab)
        2. Update the site (blue arrow in toolbar).
        3. Wait about half an hour to give customers on the site at the moment to complete their orders and then download them.
        4. Close Actinic down and run the upgrade patch
        5. Preview the site offline to make sure the templates were upgraded ok
        6. Allow ordering again
        7. Upload your site (Web | Refresh Website).

        If you find that you have problems with v6.1.5 you can always uninstall the software and re-load v6.1.4 and import the snapshot that you took earlier (you will have to refresh the website again).

        It would be best to do this at a time when your site will be quiet.


          paypal psp error

          Hi folks,

          I get the ***occassional*** paypal error that lists orders as 'pending' even when the buyer has completed paypal checkout. I use the current psp module, so thats not the problem. I use Jans order download software, and wondered if I am simply catching the order at a point where it hasnt been told that paypal is complete.....

          any ideas.

          this is more of a heads up really, to tell people to check that psp pending tab regularly if they use automated software for downloads. I kinda forgot about it until a customer queried an order..... bad practice!

          perhaps having the 'pending' orders actually in the main list with a pending 'flag' or marker would be useful. too many screens is a bad thing, but then again so are loooong lists of orders.....
          Andy Warner

 - rpgs, boardgames, dice and other geeky stuff
 D&D and Star Wars Miniatures

          Both running the Cart from Search Page hack

          Also and

          All running V8.5.2 Multisite on a windows 7 quad PC, augmented by Mole End automation, from a single shared database, using actinic specific hosting from Host-IT.


            Hi Andy,

            I get the ***occassional*** paypal error that lists orders as 'pending'
            With all PSPs, an order file is created on the server at the point where the customer is bounced over to the PSP. When the customer completes the PSP part a 'callback' is made to your server to let actinic know that the payment has been authorised. So, if you happen to download your orders while a customer is currently completing the PSP part you will only get the order and not the callback so the order goes into the PSP Pending tab. The next time you download the callback should be downloaded that will move the order into the 'Pending' tab with a status of 'Full Payment Received'.

            I hope this makes it clearer.



              We get several Paypal payments a day (sadly, they charge too much), and we've noticed that the callback to our shop is taking up to half an hour before the PSP payment is acknowledged and the order moves into the Pending list.

              It does work, just slowely.




                Hi Dave,

                You should contact Paypal to find out if they are sending the callback straight away or not and if so then it would seem that there is a routing issue between their server and yours.

