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ActinicKey & Generator to lowercase?

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    ActinicKey & Generator to lowercase?

    <META NAME="ActinicKey" CONTENT="c98228447efb68b54d1446d67d2fbd580">
    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="accxecom8">

    I know that the above code cannot be removed as it is needed create the session ID and order number, but is there a way to access it so that I can make the 'META', 'NAME' and 'CONTENT' parts lowercase? My problem is that if they remain in uppercase, my pages will not be valid XHTML (I also need to add forward slashes in at the ends of the lines). Basically, I want it to look like this:

    <meta name="ActinicKey" content="c98228447efb68b54d1446d67d2fbd580" />
    <meta name="Generator" content="accxecom8" />

    I have looked absolutely everywhere for these tags so that I can alter them but I'm beginning to suspect that the are tied into the Actinic program. I really hope I'm wrong.

    I'm using Actinic Developer and any help is greatly appreciated.
    OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
    Actinic developers since version 3
    01865 361696

    Hi Angi

    Please click on the "GoTO" button in Design|Text,search for ID's 1182, 1183 and try making the changes there.

    Hope this helps
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      What is it?

      can anybody explain to me what it does:
      <META NAME="ActinicKey" CONTENT="c98228447efb68b54d1446d67d2fbd580"> Baby and Christening gifts Alcatel handsets and telephone equipment
      I have no signature


        Originally posted by Kiran
        Please click on the "GoTO" button in Design|Text,search for ID's 1182, 1183 and try making the changes there.
        Hi Kiran,

        Thanks for your reply but it hasn't helped I'm afraid as the code I need to change is:

        <META NAME="ActinicKey" CONTENT="c98228447efb68b54d1446d67d2fbd580">
        <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="accxecom8">

        Rather than the meta keyword and description tags which you directed me to in Design | Text.

        Any other ideas?


        OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
        Actinic developers since version 3
        01865 361696


          The format of these is hard-coded within the application. I have reported this as a bug to be fixed in the next release. Hopefully this will make it into 7.0.2 - due in the next month or so.


            Never made it in then (now we're on 7.05). This is still an issue though, greatful if the tags could be made accessible so I can change them.

            Many thanks.
            OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
            Actinic developers since version 3
            01865 361696


              You're right there - this change still hasn't been made.

              I'm not sure this is going to happen with v7's lifetime now as it would involve a fairly substantial change (belive it or not) which could destabilise the software for other people. You'll be able to make this change in future versions of the software though.

