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links that cannot be reached

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    links that cannot be reached

    GO Google Search Engine.Enter this into the Search Field:Online fabric Stores
    & in about page 26/27/28 you will find our site

    Online Fabric Stores - Hwa Seng textile - Online Fabric StoresOnline fabric store and tailor. Specializes in premium European shirting and suiting fabrics. [ Home ] [ Site Map ] [ Terms & Conds ... pl?SECTIONID=shop.html&NOLOGIN=1 - 16k

    Surprisingly, this is a useless link. Why do i say that? Click it, and it will take you to no where. It doesn't bring it to that page at all!? why is it so?

    the correct link is:

    without the space before '.pl' and it takes you exactly where it should do.

    PS. the google links works fine for me too. the easiest way to find it is just to search for 'Online Fabric Stores - Hwa Seng textile'


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi all,

      for olderscot:
      Erm, if people were to know my Company's name- that would really be marvellous; my sales would have gone up. Because, Users won't know of such company and thus, they look for search Engine and to find "online fabric Store" to purchase textiles online. Thank you Olderscot for telling me that it works fine at your place. because it doesn't work correctly with the pc in my company, and also at home. That is really very amazing.

      For everyone:
      What could be the problem? is it because of the url?
      From what i know, the link above will redirect to the following link:
      are there any other ways to eradicate the former link and go straight to the latter?Although i was told, the former was used beacuse there is login feature. However, i don't require login and i dont have one in my website. Please guide.


        Swee, the point of the simpler Google search option was so that people trying to help you wouldn't have to try and look 26 pages into a Google search and still not find you there.

        yes, you can remove the nologin stuff and just use a direct link. Actinic will throw up complaints when you do a site backup but everything works perfectly. All you need to do is manually create the links you want.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          eh.. i'm sorry. maybe, I i have never know of what is the simpler option. which one do you mean. Anyway, how could i do the manual way to change?You know, when you click on the menu bar called, "Online Fabric stores", it will load this
          then, immediately switch, redirect to the correct url shown on the address bar, where cna i change?


            where cna i change
            There is nowhere within the application to change this.

            All you can do is

            1) Go to 'Design | Options | Brochure' and go to the 'Link to Catalog' area.

            2) Remove the values from the 'Text of Link', 'Normal' and 'Highlight' fields.

            This will remove the "Online Fabric stores" link from appearing on your brochure page.

            Then you need to edit the overall layout template for your brochure pages to manually add in the link you want. Do this by

            1) Clicking 'Edit' next to the 'Overall Layout' field in 'Design | Options | Brochure'.

            2) Locate 'NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE'

            3) Just after it enter HTML for a link to e.g.
            <span class="actxxsmall">[</span>&nbsp;
              <A HREF="" TARGET="_self" >
                <span class="actxxsmall"><b>Online Fabric Stores</b></span>
            &nbsp;<span class="actxxsmall">]</span>



