Is it possible to have an Add to Cart and Proceed to checkout button, like Amazon's one-click ordering, designed for people that are just ordering one item?
Not really. I have my site setup so that there is a single 'add to cart' per page. What I wanted was an ADDITIONAL button underneath it which I'd have as 'One-Click Checkout'. So people then had the choice of either adding to cart and continuing or going straight to the checkout. I want this on all pages.
We may be able to do something here, but please note that it will not work for all shopping modes, which shopping mode would you ideally like to use? Also, can I confirm that you don't want the cart showing at all when this additional button is pressed, do you want it to jump straight to checkout?
We have a solution, but it does involve the editing of a perl script. I have attached my modified here. Please unzip it into your site folder. I would strongly suggest backing up your original before beginning work as Actinic is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made
To make this work, the Act_ProductBody.html also needs to be edited:
Find NETQUOTEVAR:SINGLEADD and insert the following...
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Add Selection To Cart and Checkout"
When done, upload an test. If it fails, please restore your original and Act_ProductBody.html
I will explain the modifications to the perl script as each time you apply a patch, your changes will get overwritten: Actinic
Edit the script in notepad
Search for 'sub AddMultipleItems'
Scroll down to the end of the subroutine, you will see...