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Pop Up Size Help Needed

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    Pop Up Size Help Needed


    I need to make the pop up with the extended info full size to fit the screen with the image in the center and no scrolbars header footer etc

    Is this possible ?

    I know you can set the size of the pop up but how do I make it full size what ever the monitor sixe the customer is using ?

    Thanks in advance

    You could simply do this with Javascript...

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function fullscreen(url) {
    w = screen.availWidth-10;
    h = screen.availHeight-20;
    features = "width="+w+",height="+h;
    features += ",left=0,top=0,screenX=0,screenY=0";, "", features);

    screen.availWidth is the width of the clients screen and similarly, screen.availheight is the height
    a little bit from each side must be removed to compensate for the status bar and scrollbars.

    This would be called by :
    <A HREF="page.htm" onClick="fullscreen('page.htm'); return false;"
    TARGET="_blank">View My Page</A>

    The "return false;" part of the script will prevent it from being opened multiple times, so only on popup may be shown.

    If you wanted a centered popup, you can use:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function newWin(url, name, w, h) {
    l = (screen.availWidth-10 - w) / 2;
    t = (screen.availHeight-20 - h) / 2;

    features = "width="+w+",height="+h+",left="+l+",top="+t;
    features += ",screenX="+l+",screenY="+t;
    features += ",scrollbars=0,resizable=1,location=0";
    features += ",menubar=0,toolbar=0,status=0";, name, features);

    This can be called by:

    <A HREF="page.htm" onClick="newWin('page.htm', 'home', 640, 480); return false;" TARGET="_blank">MY PAGE!</A>


    <A HREF="javascript:newWin('page.htm', 'home', 600, 600)">MY PAGE!</A>

    Hope that this helps
    Cheers FrAz


      Thanks but which file to I change ?

      Thanks for this it is a great help

      but which file do I change and do I still use the standerd pop-ups in the extended info ?


        I suggest you put the JavaScript function into your overall layout template (e.g. Act_Primary) and you embed the link to open the pop-up within the full description e.g.
        !!<<A HREF="page.htm" onClick="fullscreen('page.htm'); return false;" TARGET="_blank">View My Page</A>>!!
        This probably would not be a standard Actinic pop-up window any more though.


          Thats true but you can also change the pop to include actinics origional scripts with little problem... i think.

          I used my popups to display larger images so i modifyed them to auto resize the page to the size of the image:

          <script type="text/javascript">

          that might be usfull for you too
          Cheers FrAz


            Hey Classix..may i ask you where do you find those code on

            <script type="text/javascript">

            Because for resizing of the pop up message, i only change it at the place "design/option/extended info". Are there anyway i can do away the Scrollbar. If you know, please teach me. Thanks alot.


              javascript can be really easy. when u load a popup you can change its appearance

              <a href=" ('',
              'mywindow','status=1,toolbar=1');">CLICK HERE!</a>

              it works like:
    , NAME[,features])

              the features section is a string than contain information on how the window will be displayed.

              in the example i used status=1 and toolbar=1, that would include a statusbar and a toolbar. And to turn them off it would be status=0 toolbar=0

              Here are more: (on/off)

              The status bar at the bottom of the window. (status=1/status=0)

              Standard browser toolbar, with the back n forward buttons. (toolbar=1/toolbar=0)

              The menu bar of the window. (menubar=1/menubar=0)

              Chooses if you can resize the window. (resizable=0/resizable=1)

              Enable the scrollbars if the page is bigger than the window (scrollbars=0/scrollbars=1)

              height Choose the height. (example: height='600')

              width Choose the width. (example: width='600')
              Cheers FrAz


                also if you edit your actiniccore.js javascript right at the bottom is the popup code: if you changed it to

                function ShowPopUp(sUrl, nWidth, nHeight)
                l = (screen.availWidth-10 - nWidth) / 2;
                t = (screen.availHeight-20 - nHeight) / 2;

                features = "width="+nWidth+",height="+nHeight+",left="+l+",top="+t;
                features += ",screenX="+l+",screenY="+t;
                features += ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0,location=0";
                features += ",menubar=0,toolbar=0,status=0";

      , 'ActPopup', features);

                Then when you specify the popup image and size, make the size the exact resolution of the image and the window should fit the image and center screen it.
                Cheers FrAz


                  A real mess now

                  OK I am now in a real mess

                  not sure what I have done

                  Can any one help any more

                  All I want to do is if possible use the Actinic defalt pop up for extended product info and the pop up to be as big as the viewers screen with the image in the centre of the pop up and the pop up in the centre of the screen with no scrolbars or header etc

                  is there a simple way to do this and what files do I need to change

                  I have trid all the above but can not get them to work correctly plus the info must be avalible when a produc image is clicked on as well


                    More info

                    I need the pop up to look like this site


                    when you click on an image

                    any pointers would be great


                      I have posted a response to



                        All sorted now thanks

                        Thanks very much

