For the life of me I can't seem to find the html for the quantity field for the products, i just want to swap the test and the input field around, can someone enlighten me ?
There is a way to do this.
In Actinic, click on Design | Text and then click the Go to button. In the Go To Prompt window, enter 166 in the ID field. This will bring up a field with the value "Quantity". Delete this, leaving the field blank. Click on Apply and OK.
Now click on Advanced | Template Manager (If you are seeing a colourful display, click on Change view ). Click on the Sections tab and then the button labeled Product Line.
This will open Act_ProductLine.html. In this find : NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY
Append the word "Quantity" after this phrase. Save the file and update the changes to the site. Now you will get the input box followed by the text on the product pages. You can also insert " " to have a space between the two.