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Shipping costs for different components

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    Shipping costs for different components

    We sell publications which are available either as a Print + PDF download or as a stand-alone PDF download. The shop works fine in both cases where we have the two versions on as separate products.

    However, we would like to combine the two versions into a single product and allow the customer to buy either with a single add-to-cart. I have achieved this using components for the two versions and have overcome the VAT problem (print+pdf = zero vat pdf only = vat) I did this by creating a hidden 'global' Dummy product for VAT and non-VAT and then associating the tax for each version with the appropriate dummy product. The PDF download still works fine.

    But the PDF only download should have a zero shipping cost whereas the book +pdf will have a shipping cost based on the weight of the book. With this method both versions pick the weight in the main product and therefore when you order the PDF only you get charged the correct price and VAT but a shipping charge is added.

    Does anyone have any ideas how we can attribute zero shipping to one and not the other or even improve on our current solution?

    Hi David,

    Sorry for the late response on this thread. Please create separate products of each selection and associate products using Components. In the Product details, set the PDF weight to 0, and go to 'View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' and set the shipping cost to '0' which would avoid Shipping charges to the PDF.

    Hope this helps.
    Suresh Babu G

