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ftp problems

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    ftp problems

    sorry for by my ingles, I am of Spain I have east problem when forming the network unable to connect to the Ftp server because the specified username or password is incorrect. But I surely to put well the access keys

    I have another one ftp(Filezilla) and I acceded without problems or with dreamweaver without problems to have but dominions and to accede without problems via ftp

    no firewall

    I have completes version of actinic Software patches and updates
    ACTINIC V7.01
    Complethost Hosting Solutions


    are you using the 'configure web site details' section in the 'web' menu. Or the 'network setup' in 'advanced' ? If you are able to ftp using another program then obviously the username/pass details are correct, therefore you may be entering something wrong in actinic.

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      if I have followed all steps 1 to 1, it does not recognize password in the FTP, hosting is good (more domains is good) and I can accede to with other FTP, the same keys

      hello, I have verified everything, I have reinstalll everything and begun from zero, netword continues giving to the same error when using wizard to me setup, I have proven again step by step, the error is always the same one does not recognize the password, once I can be mistaken 20 no
      Complethost Hosting Solutions


        This sounds like a strange problem. It's hard for us to tell what it might be as we can't really try it for you.

        I'd suggest you contact actinic support here:

        They'll probably want to try and replicate your problem, so you might want to let them have your ftp details.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          You can also try using Advanced / Network Setup where there is a Test button. Tell us what this reports. You can also see all your network settings and modify them there.

          Another thing to try is to make sure that your FTP usename and password are using only characters from the basic ASCII character set. I.e. try using only "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" and "0123456789".

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I have actually had the same problem with v7, and closing the program down, then reopening sorted it.

            The wizard would let me through to display the folders within the webspace, then on clicking next it returned an u/p error.

            very strange, ill post some responses next time I try.

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            Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ <a href="" title="Website | Multimedia | Design - Bradford [ Future Primeval ]" target="_new">Future Primeval</a> ]
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