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home page name change not working

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    home page name change not working


    i've designed a splash page to precede the main homepage for my site, and i (obviously) want the splash page to be index.html, and the homepage to become index2.html.

    i've changed the home page file name in the properties dialog, and even tried unchecking the 'use as website homepage', but to no avail; the home page is still being published as 'index.html', and index2.html is coming up as a 404.

    i've only been using 'update website' - do i have to completely republish everything?

    Go to "Design" > "Options" then click the "Miscellanious" tab.

    There will be a section called homepage link enter the desired homepage file name. I think this is all u need to change, as mine is shop.html and indeed, there is no index.html but that top level of my shop is shop.htm.

    Give it a try and refresh your website (that may take a while)

    Hope this helps, let me know if it did...
    Cheers FrAz


      The software will only create a page to appear in the site root called 'index.html'.
      If you untick the 'Use as website homepage' option, it will place the page within the acatalog directory on the web site.
      Try the URL http://<yoursite>/acatalog/index2.html.
      "OK Venus?"
      "OK Steve!"
      "Right then, lets go!

