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£ to ?

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    £ to ?

    It's this old chestnut again I'm afraid, but try as I might I can't seem to fix it. The only answers I've seen on here have been for version 6 and the suggested solution has usually been something along the lines of changing £ for GBP in the catalog database, I don't want to do this.

    My exact problem is that in drop-down lists (only, it's okay in plain text) £ is substitued for ?. This obviously means that I can't have prices in drop down select lists for products, but, more importantly than that, it affects the price range control in search, which I can't simply substitute with & pound; or & #163. I also need to deploy the site to a customer in the future who will be doing their own updating so anything that involves them having to put non standard characters in is a bit of a no no.

    I didn't have this problem in version 6, what's changed?


    OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
    Actinic developers since version 3
    01865 361696

    Could you please ensure you don't have a line like

    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

    in your overall layout template. The 'UTF' means that the text is not encoded properly.

    Do a search for 'utf' in your 'Site1' folder to make sure.

