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Actinic link to Sage and duplicate customer accounts

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    Actinic link to Sage and duplicate customer accounts


    I am having a problem with actinic link creating duplicate customer accounts for registered customers.

    I am using Actinic Link v2. with Sage Financial Controller v9.00.0023 Network version - Unlimited Users and Actinic v7.

    In the customer tab I have got Create new customers from Registered Customer Orders Un-Checked.

    I have Checked Create new customers from Unregistered customer, I have included Salutation and I have got the postcode set to line 5 to comply with the sage account settings and I have used naming scheme Positions 1,2 & 3 as character 1,2 & 3 of the surname, followed by Positions 4 5 & 6 as sequence numbers.

    The registered customers external reference matches exactly with sage account A/C code (Copied and paste) but sill I get duplicate customer accounts (I now have 4 accounts for one customer!)

    I have experimented with just about every imaginable combination of settings but can’t get this to work.

    Hi there

    Could you please send me a screenshot of the 'General' tab of your 'Actinic to Sage Line 50' Link profile.

    To do this, hold down Alt + PrtScn and paste it into a word doc. You can then attach the doc here.

    I just want to check that your settings are the same as mine. If you could include a shot of the 'Customers' tab as well that would be great.


      Screenshot as requested

      Please find screenshot as requested

      Attached Files


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            Thanks Chris


              I think there is a bug in Actinic Link which is causing our issues.

              For some unusual reason checking the 'Include Salutation' field in the 'Customers' tab of 'Actinic to Sage' breaks Actinic's ability to assign a second order from the same customer to the existing Sage customer. The workaround is to uncheck this checkbox.


                I think there is a bug in Actinic Link which is causing our issues.

                Ok Thanks,

                >>"I have experimented with just about every imaginable combination of settings but can’t get this to work."

                Except this one

                I presume this will be fixed in the next maintenance release?


                  Originally posted by cdicken
                  I think there is a bug in Actinic Link which is causing our issues.

                  For some unusual reason checking the 'Include Salutation' field in the 'Customers' tab of 'Actinic to Sage' breaks Actinic's ability to assign a second order from the same customer to the existing Sage customer. The workaround is to uncheck this checkbox.
                  Thanks Chris, the salutation checkbox is of limited help anyway as it does not carry on to the sage invoice.

