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Disappearing 1) Customers 2) products

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    Disappearing 1) Customers 2) products

    Just wondered if anyone else has experienced these minor problems

    1) Set up a customer account only to find it didn't get saved?

    It happened a week or so ago and I figured I must have pressed cancel (or something equally daft) . . . but it happened again this morning. I set up an account, sent the password e-mail, closed the New Customer Window . . . but then when I wanted to check back to make sure I has unchecked one of the options . . . the new account was not in the list!

    2) Dragging and dropping products . . . it's possible to drag and drop products into a 'black hole' . . . the products simply disappear from the catalog. This has happened to me 2 or 3 times although I must admit I can't find a way to replicate it to order.

    Spec: Win XP / Business 7.0.1

    Mandrake Press Ltd.
    Actinic user since 1998

    2) Dragging and dropping products . . . it's possible to drag and drop products into a 'black hole' . . . the products simply disappear from the catalog. This has happened to me 2 or 3 times although I must admit I can't find a way to replicate it to order.
    This one will be fixed in the latest release, but I don;t know about your customer accounts. How many do you have? I suggest doing a 'Housekeeping | Compact Databases' and see if that helps at all.


      Only 30 accounts or so at this stage . . . and none deleted needing purging.

      Since my post I have changed all the navigation images and duly went through changing 'Design | Options | Navigation' fields only to find when I returned to it several minutes later . . . none of the changes had been saved.

      I have now adopted a policy of using 'Apply' before 'OK' whenever it is available throughout 'Business' as a 'belt and braces' approach.

      It is of concern as it means everything has to be double-checked to make sure the changes were saved!

      Mandrake Press Ltd.
      Actinic user since 1998


        I've had a couple of cases resently when training where I don't click 'Apply' but only click 'OK' and the changes weren't saved. Trouble is, when I try and give reproduction steps to the Development team it always works...

        I will do more research, but in the meantime I suggest that always clicking 'Apply' when you have finished working on a dialogue is a good system to put into place.


          I wondered if this problem is related to the memory leak!

          Mandrake Press Ltd.
          Actinic user since 1998


            I wondered if this problem is related to the memory leak!
            Could be. I'll feed it back to the team.



              Another instance of lost data has occurred -- It was on a template change in Section Details | Section Link Layout whilst working on the hidden pages problem.

              It seems you can select a file name through select | browse and then, if you immediately close the programme with database backup, when reloaded the template change was not saved . . . if you click into another field before closing . . . the template file name change is saved.

              This may be related to the Apply before Finish concept to ensure a 'write' new data to the database is forced.

              Mandrake Press Ltd.
              Actinic user since 1998


                Many thanks Tony

                I'll feed this back.

