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http & Https - help please

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    http & Https - help please

    Hi, can anyone help please? I am in the process of building my first site and have uploaded what I have done so far to the server as a test. The server has dedicated SSL installed. When I look at the site on the browser using https, it looks fine, but when looked at via http the logos are missing and so are some of the changes on the home page?

    Is there any way of setting it up so that when my domain name is entered it always defaults to the https ?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    Hi there.

    You could see if your host could redirect your http site to https. Allternatively, you could use a 'Meta Refresh' I have copied the instructions from the Actinic help file:

    Nearly all the HTML pages for your online store are kept within a sub-folder on your website called 'acatalog'. The exception to this is the 'Brochure Home Page', which can be uploaded to the directory level above 'acatalog' on your website. See Creating A Brochure Page for more details on the brochure home page.

    If you do not want to use a brochure home page, and you just want customers to go straight into the 'acatalog' folder when they first visit your website, then you could do the following:

    Copy the following code into 'Notepad' or an equivalent text editor and then save it as 'index.html' somewhere on your PC.

    Then, use a standard FTP package to upload the file to the 'document root' of your website. This will usually be the directory that the 'acatalog' folder is within.



    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL='http://<mysite>/acatalog'">

    <TITLE>Online Store</TITLE>



    <P>Please wait to be forwarded to our store or press

    <A HREF="http://<mysite>/acatalog">here</A>. </P>



    <mysite> must be replaced with the web address of your own site.




      Thanks Darren!!
      That seemed to do the job nicely.
      I appreciate your help.

