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Shipping Cost Calculation Bug

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    Shipping Cost Calculation Bug

    Let me explain the situation:
    Certain items are Zero weighted so that they can be shipped for free (just add another shipping charge for 0g at £0.00). Works a treat. HOWEVER should a person order a non-zero weighted item, then obviously the shipping charge is say £1.01.

    If I delete the item from the order, then shipping charge stays at £1.01 even on hitting a recalc.

    Keep up the good work. Didn't think 7 would make such a difference to the site. Best £250 I've spent in a long long time.

    Adam - Combining Actinic Catalog and Macromedia Coldfusion in a heady mix of chaos and confusion.

    If I delete the item from the order, then shipping charge stays at £1.01 even on hitting a recalc.
    I've seen this in training.

    Basically, if you confirm your location and start the checkout with heavy things in yout cart, then Actinic assigns the non-free shipping class to the order.

    Fine so far.

    However, when you then remove the heavy items, Actinic still remembers that you have previously selected the non-free shipping charge, and keeps it on the order. It will not remove the shipping charge until you re-select the 'Free Shipping' class in the checkout.

