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Euro symbol in checkout

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    Euro symbol in checkout

    Was the issue of how to display the Euro symbol in the checkout phase ever sorted out?

    It's displaying OK throughout the store, and in the shopping cart, but not in the Shipping And Handling part where is says (in this case) 'Standard Shipping'. The shipping price is shown as '£2.50 / (rectangle)3.71', whereas it should be '£2.50 / €3.71'. [I couldn't find the symbol for a rectangle, but that's what it's displaying instead of the Euro symbol].

    I've tried substituting '&euro' for the symbol in the database, both in the SCURRENCY column (that made no difference to the checkout), and in the sAltPriceSymbol column (that just displayed '&euro' on all pages).

    ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth

    Hi Malcolm

    I have just tested this out on a default site, I set the default currency for the site to be euros, and the ? Symbol is present all the way through the checkout...

    Are you getting the rectangle in the drop down list where you select your shipping class?

    Are you on version 7.0.1?


      Originally posted by James M
      I have just tested this out on a default site, I set the default currency for the site to be euros, and the € Symbol is present all the way through the checkout...
      I've got the main currency as GPB with Euros as the second.

      Originally posted by James M
      Are you getting the rectangle in the drop down list where you select your shipping class?
      There's no droplist as the shipping is very simple, the rectangle occurs in the Shipping And Handling part of the checkout, where it reads "£2.50 / (rectangle)3.71".

      Originally posted by James M
      Are you on version 7.0.1?
      Yes, Business 7.0.1.

      If you want to have a look, login with the username '' and the password 'visitor'.

      ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth


        Hi there

        I see the bit you mean, for me it just has the simple shipping price in pounds, it dosent put the euro price in... so I cant get it to show a rectangle - but either way, it dosent appear to display both currencies correctly.

        I will have to get on to our development team and see what the score is with getting this field to show both currencies...

        I'll be back!


          Originally posted by Artisan
          If you want to have a look, login with the username '' and the password 'visitor'.
          Is that for, as its asking me for a domain name aswell? If not, what is the website address?


            Originally posted by James M
            Is that for, as its asking me for a domain name aswell? If not, what is the website address?
            Doh! The site is at - sorry!

            ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth



              I have been onto our development team about the problem you have been getting, we are going to need to have a look at your snapshot to get to the bottom of it...

              You can create a snapshot by going to File | Snapshot | Export Site.

              Then if you could email the snapshot to the Contact Us link below and mark it for my attention (James), I will look into it further for you...



                We have been unable to recreate the problem you are getting the the sqaure symbol appearing instead of the Euro, it appeared as the Euro symbol.

                However, a similar problem has been reported in the past, and there is a work around so you could try the following to see if that helps.

                The problem can occur when the symbol is not encoded.

                To solve this, try the following -

                - open
                - locate *sub GenerateCartCookie*
                - find the line

                my $sTotal = $Response[2];

                change it to

                my $sTotal = ACTINIC::EncodeText2($Response[2], $::TRUE);

                Hope that helps


                  Thanks James, although it didn't help, there's still a rectangle showing in the checkout phase. What it did do, though, was to change the contents of the mini-basket from:

                  Items: 1
                  Value: £7.50 / €11.14

                  ... to:

                  Items: 1
                  Value: &# 163;7&# 46;50&# 32;&# 47;&# 32;&# 128;11&# 46;14
                  (I had to put some spaces in that line to make it show here, the code is actually continuous)

                  I restored the original and got it back to normal but still have the Euro symbol problem in the checkout.

                  BTW, I've been doing Refresh Website each time, not Update.

                  ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth
                  ¤ ARTISAN INTERNET LTD


                    Hmm, I cant really see where this rectangle could be coming from, as I cant recreat ethe problem.

                    If you have a look at you will see I have uploaded your site to this space, and the rectangle you get is not there.

                    One thing we could try is if I were to create a snapshot of your site here, with the euro symbol present, then email it over to you, then you can import it and see if there is any change.

                    Let me know how it goes...



                      Got another suggestion we can try from our development team, as we cant recreate the problem we are working here on assumption rather than proper testing, if you open the shipping perl file ( located in the ShipControl folder in your Site1 foilder) and replace the following line, that appears twice in this file...

                      $sClassLabel .= sprintf($sPriceLabelFormat, $PriceResponse[2]);


                      $sClassLabel .= sprintf($sPriceLabelFormat,
                      ACTINIC::EncodeText2($PriceResponse[2], $::TRUE));

                      Fingers crossed that will sort it!


                        Yes, that did it, thank you so much

                        ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth
                        ¤ ARTISAN INTERNET LTD


                          Euro Symbol displaying a square. I had this problem with our shopping pages,
                          and tracked it down to a font problem. Verdana was fine, but if bold was applied to the Verdana text, then the square appeared.

