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Laying out search results

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    Laying out search results


    I am editing the layout of the search results page to more closely mimic the style of the rest of my site.

    Inside "Act_ResultsTemplate.html" I can see variables such as...

    <Actinic:S_PRICE/> <Actinic:S_DESCR/> <Actinic:S_PROP/>

    The first of these displays the product price - but I'm not sure what the other two do - as nothing is appearing on my page.

    I would have guessed that <Actinic:S_DESCR/> displays the product description - if that is the case, which field is this taken from?

    The other thing I want to display is are a number of CUSTOMVARs that I have created and used successfully elsewhere. If tried inserting my CUSTOMVAR tags - but their values are not being displayed.

    So in summary I can see <Actinic:S_PRICE/> on my page - but not <Actinic:S_DESCR/> or CUSTOMVARESIGNER.

    Any ideas gratefully received.


    Hi there,

    In order to determine more into this issue, could you please attach your 'Act_ResultsTemplate.html'. Also, ensure that you enter the customvars between <Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> ... </Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS>
    Suresh Babu G


      Hi there

      My CUSTOMVARS are within the bounds of the <Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> ... </Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> tags.

      I've attached the file to this message so that you can have a look at it.

      I've also tried to replace the thumbnail image with the normal image by changing NETQUOTEVAR:THUMBNAIL tp NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE and that hasn't worked either. Can you tell why?

      Attached Files


        Hi there,

        Although you have these variables <Actinic:S_PRICE/> <Actinic:S_DESCR/> <Actinic:S_PROP/> in Act_ResultsTemplate, it displays the value on the website only if you activate them in 'View | Search Settings | Results'.

        I integrated your template into Actinic Default store and enabled the above settings and it works fine.

        Hope this helps.
        Suresh Babu G


          Hi - this definitely helped - I can now see the full description. However my CUSTOMVARESIGNER is not being displayed and I checked all the options in VIEW > SEARCH SETTINGS > RESULTS including "Properties". Any ideas?



            The 'Properties' option is only used if you have enabled searching on custom properties (i.e. you select 'Searchable' for the custom property value and then set up searching on them in 'View | Search Settings').

            Otherwise, the custom property value is not included in the *.fil file which is used to generate the search results.

            Try setting up searching on 'Designer' in 'View | Search Settings' and see if this enables the value in the search results.

