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    Hi i have the script etc to implement this into my web page, but i want the menu to appear in a certain position, I.e. anchored. I know that there is a little bit of text regarding this in the set up files.

    Anchor name (e.g. home). Position the menu relative to an anchor
    like <a id="home" name="home"> in the page.
    IMPORTANT: If you're doing this, you should move the menu <SCRIPT> tags just before the
    closing </BODY> tag of your documents.
    The page.elmPos function is not included in the example frameset script;
    you must paste it into the frameset from the single-frame data file.

    I am somewhat confused as to how to actually put this into practice.

    I have use "home" within the Norcascade software field "target"

    I presume that i also have to add the anchor name id in the place that i want the menu to appear, what would this be?

    This is were i then fall down:

    menu <SCRIPT> tags just before the
    closing </BODY> tag of your documents.
    The page.elmPos function is not included in the example frameset script;
    you must paste it into the frameset from the single-frame data file.

    Really not sure about this.

    Is there anyone that can actually translate this for a novice.

    Thanks in advance


    I wrote the Actinic Interface but not the core DHTML code. I've never used an anchored menu so I can't help.

    The core code is from Angus Turnbull in New Zealand who provides his portion of the code as "Donation Ware". If you use it you're meant to contribute something to him. He has a Forum on - you may find some help there.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

