This can be achieved by tweaking the database a little, what you need to do is locate the folder Actinic ecommerce V6|Sites|Site1 and then find the file ActinicCatalog.mdb.
Double click on the file and then look for the 'currencies' table, open that table up and then remove the '£' symbol from the fields 'SCURRENCY' and the 'sAltPriceSymble'.
Save the changes to the database, go into Actinic and preview your store.
I tried editing the currencies table of the database but it won't allow me to put spaces into the fields - when I go back to them, they're gone. Any ideas?
I had Catalog closed when I tried making the changes, but Access would still not allow me to enter spaces into the requisite fields. As a compromise I entered a colon, since it doesn't have any meaning money-wise i.e. I couldn't use a full stop or a dash, otherwise it would confuse some people (with a ready lawyer and an eye to making a quick buck) as to the actual cost.
I think the problem is more to do with Access. I can put a space into the field, but when I return to it, I find that Access has removed it; if I leave it blank then Catalog complains about zero-length fields. I would like to be sure that this won't cause any problems in the future, since I am leaving the company and nobody there will be capable of sorting it out.
Is your database a new database or has it been upgraded from a V4 database - if it is the latter is might still be in Access 97 format. Is this is the case you may find that you can set the field to blank if you convert the database to windows 2000 format before making the change.
I have checked here and there are no limitations on that field in the database.
Another thing to try would be to run a bit of SQL to make the change, rather than typing the change in.
Also the currency symbol is also held in the catalog table so when you have been able to make your changes you should also go to that table and change sCurrency in there to a space (I think that this field may be used by some of the reports).
It's worse than that, it was converted from version 3, which caused us some fun and games. How do we do the SQL thang? I don't know SQL myself -- yet another thing to learn! :-/
Did you go V3 -> V6? If so it must have been either like having all your christmas's at once OR 100 scarey nightmares.
I would try converting the database as this is almost certainly the problem. To do this run access, then choose 'Tools', 'Database Utilities', 'Convert database','To Current Access Version' and follow the instructions. Then replace your ActinicCatalog.mdb file with the new one taking a backup of the old one first. Your reseller or Actinic might be able to help you if you can't do this yourself.