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Dreamweaver to Actinic.

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    Dreamweaver to Actinic.

    Hi all,

    I'm doing my homepage revamping on the dreamweaver. My question is, when i transfer all my codes from dreamweaver to actinic, would it cause ample errors? If yes, what should i do?

    Best Regards,

    Is anyone there?
    In the dreamweaver, i have inserted the rollover button but i'm unsure if it works in actinic. can anyone tell me?


      would it cause ample errors?
      If you do it wrong it probably will.

      Here are the golden rules for template editing in Actinic...

      1) Make sure you are editing templates and not editing the previewed pages. You should be editing a file with a name that begins with 'Act_...' in the 'Site1' folder. Your overall layout design for your store pages is probably in Act_Primary.html and your design for your brochure pages is Act_BrochurePrimary.html.

      2) Any images you use to create the design in Dreamweaver MUST be stored within the actual 'Site1' folder (i.e. not in a subfolder called 'images' or anything like that).

      3) Don't touch the <head> section of the template unless you know what you are doing. For example, your rollover you are trying to enter into the store probably is controlled by JavaScript but if you let Dreamweaver add it in automatically it could cause corruption and break something. Much better to use Actinic's existing rollover functionality to include your rollovers. This is from the 'Designing with Actinic Developer Guide'.
      Inserting Custom Navigation Icons

      Use the instructions here if you want to create a custom icon that points to a page outside of Actinic's functionality, or else to a page within your brochure site, and you want it to 'rollover' in the same way as the other icons.

      Assuming that:
      'returns1.gif' is the name of the normal icon image
      'returns2.gif' is the name of the highlight icon image
      'returns_img' is the HTML name for the normal icon image
      'returns.html' is the name of the file, within the 'acatalog' folder online, that you want to create a link to

      This code will insert an image that rolls over:

      <A HREF="returns.html" TARGET="_self" onMouseOver="SwapImage('returns_img,'returns2.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()">
      <img src="returns.gif" name="returns_img" border="0" alt="Go to the returns page">

      In order to preload the highlight image, which will make it appear more quickly online, then locate the following code within the <body> tag in Act_Primary.html:


      Change it to read

      The final golden rule is to back up any template you are about to edit in case it all goes horribly wrong.


        Great Information Chris. I have transferred everything into the actinic and i really got Several Errors.

        My previous homepage was entirely done in the Fragment Brochure description thus, i have modified codes from the fragment description instead of the Templates (violated the golden rules ) But it looks fine in my old homepage probably, because there are not much functions in the old homepage. Now in the New_homepage, i'm adding Navigation bar ( Rollover Buttons ) And indeed the Scripts used in Dreamweaver aint workable in Actinic. That Roollover part, i would try to work on the new formula given by u.
        However, Do you think its viable to continue my work in the Fragment Description instead of the Act_Brochure (for the design of my homepage)? I tried to read my Act_brochure.html, it doesn't have the codes. Should i carry on? or?? i 'm afriad i will corrupt the codes if i were to use the brochure.html one. Suggestions please?

        Ps. onLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD;PreloadImages('returns2.gif')" --> This is only for one image? what if it is an array of Button(s)? Do i have to transfer all the Functions for the rollover button to the Act_pri.html?


          Ps. onLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD;PreloadImages('returns2.gif')" --> This is only for one image? what if it is an array of Button(s)? Do i have to transfer all the Functions for the rollover button to the Act_pri.html?
          Just put in a comma-delimited list within the brackets e.g.


          So are you saying that you are doing all the design for your home page within the 'Text' field of a brochure fragment? That is not possible! The design must be in Act_BrochurePrimary - that is the overall layout template which creates the design that goes around the fragments. All the fragments within that page in Actinic will be inserted into the design via the variable NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHUREBODY.

          To be honest, your design is quite sophisticated and I would recommend finding a designer to help you rather than trying to do it all yourself. You will probably save money in the long run.


            Thank you but i have 2 questions here.

            Question 1
            In dreamweaver, to use the hotspot -
            <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,95,103" href="">

            however for Actinic, its a different thing,from the adv user guide it stated that i need to type in
            <area shape="rect" coords="1,1,95,103" href="COMMAND XXXXX">. Can u explain why are there so many numbers..let say i only want the user to click and arrive to a specific page, can i jst replace COMMAND XXXXX with Simply the URL ?

            Question 2
            <TD height=39 bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
            <div align="center"><font color="#999999" size="1">
            <a href="" class="mouseover"><font size="1" color="#999999">S p e c i a l <br> P r o m o t i o n</font></a></font></div>

            Here, i am trying to get the text "special promotion" to be normal text grey (#999999) but because its hyperlink, it kept changing my text to Black. Are there any ways to make it coloured and not underline (against the normal hyperlink)?


              COMMAND XXXXX
              Where did you get this from? This 'COMMAND' feature is only used by the 'Navigator' built into the software - never by the store pages. Just use a normal URL for the HREF= part of the hotspot.
              because its hyperlink, it kept changing my text to Black
              The normal way to do this is to place the <font> tag within the <a> tag - but this is what you have done. It is strange that it does not work.

              I recommend removing the
              from the <a> tag as this is referring to a style which is probably overwriting your grey colour.


                It works (turn grey) but the link turns out to be a static one. Which mean it is grey and its underlined.When you rollover it, it does not change to any colour. For now, if i do not add any "font color" within the <a> tag <a href...><font size=1 > it will still give me a look of rollover text link but the normal text color is black (which is not what i want, grey).You get what i mean?


                  I do get what you mean, but what you are describing here is quite a complex design requirement, which has nothing really to do with Actinic. I'm afraid that I am only able to provide detailed support for questions about Actinic functionality.

                  Hopefully someone else on this forum will be able to help you.


                    oOooO Its Okie! =D

                    Thanks Alot!

