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Multiple SECTIONIMAGE templates.

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    Multiple SECTIONIMAGE templates.

    Hi Guys

    I have a problem that I am trying to overcome with section navigation images. Act_SectionLineImage seems (somehow) to call Act_SectionNavImage which inturn defines how the image is displayed. Now I can happily put a nice looking border around the image, but here is the twist: I only want the border around images for some sections not all. I don't want to mix and match per section, but some sections I want the images to have borders some sections I dont want the images to have borders. Tech support seemed pretty confused when I explained this and said to use an image editor, which given I have about 10,000 nicely cropped and sized images without borders seems a pretty lame answer; so I thought that maybe someone know how to do this, or might be able to confirm that it cant actually be achieved.

    Cheers all.

    Hi Mat

    I have passed this on to my development team and as soon as I have an answer will get back to you.

    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      Hi Mat

      Try this and see if this is what you want

      1. Create a CUSTOMVAR of type text in Advanced|Custom Properties(this for the bordersize so give it a appropriate name eg BORDER)

      2.In Design | Options | Site Defaults. Add the custom property BORDER by clicking on the small + sign that appears under the heading "Properties" , untick searchable and File Name, Tick Use as CUSTOMVAR. Set the value to 0 (zero) this will result in the site being displayed as present.

      3. Select a section which requires borders around the section image.On the properties tab, add the custom property BORDER (same settings as above) set the value to any value greater than 0 to indicate the size of the border for the section images.

      4. If there are more sections with a border than without, then set the border width for the BORDER property in Design | Options | Site Defaults and then just set the section property BORDER to zero for sections which do not require the border.

      Hope this helps
      Kiran Chandran
      Technical Support - SellerDeck

      Further help can also be found at



        Consider Actinic support well and truely redeemed. Thanks for your effort on this, with a little jiggery pokery I managed to get it all working. For anyone who is reading this post you also need to change the Act_SectionNavImage.html file to include BORDER=CUSTOMVAR:BORDER. I have had some problems with applying a class to the border as this seems to override the CUSTOMVAR value that is taken from Actinic - but I guess I'm just beeing picky.

