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Order time stamp

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    Order time stamp

    Where does Catalog get the time stamp for orders. The reason I ask is that the time on the orders is one hour slow. If the time is set on the server then I need to contact the ISP and get them to adjust the server time. The e-mail notification shows the correct time.

    Mick Jackson
    Jackson's Fishing Tackle

    OK, so nobody knows the answer to this.

    A bit more infromation may help. Having contacted my ISP I am told that the server runs on GMT and that the software should adjust the 1 hour difference to give the time on the orders in BST.

    But the adjustment is just not happening and I cannot find any setting within Catalog v5 to show that the time can be adjusted to show as correct during the Summer months when we are on BST.

    Presumably the time will be correct after we alter the clocks in October and then revert to one hour slow again in March next year.
    Mick Jackson
    Jackson's Fishing Tackle


      As you say the orders are timestamped with the server time which is set to GMT (more rightly called UST - 'Universal Server Time' I think) and your PC processes orders based on it's time which is BST.

      This is only noticeable when processing orders in Actinic so I'd guess no-one thinks it's important enough to make a fix for.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thank olderscot, as long a I know it cannot be fixed I will live with it.

        Originally I thought that orders were being held back on the server for the 'missing hour.'

        Just another computer niggle to live with.
        Mick Jackson
        Jackson's Fishing Tackle

