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Quickbooks update prices - after hiding Retail Prices

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    Quickbooks update prices - after hiding Retail Prices

    I use the quickbooks 2003 to update the prices on the web site. And, the prices are available to both unregistered and registered(login) customers. But now, I would like to hide the prices for unregistered customers, but still want to have the online catalog available to everybody. Inother words, I want just the login customers to see the prices.

    When I disable the Retail prices, Actinic Link from quickbooks seems it doesn't update the prices on the web site (products) after I run it.

    Is there a way to go around this?

    Hi there,

    Apologies for the delay in responding to this thread. Could you please give me the steps to replicate this issue on my PC?
    Suresh Babu G


      It's not that complicated......

      1) Three different price levels:
      --Level 1 (percentage of retail)
      --Level 2 (percentage of retail)

      2) Quickbooks 2003 updates the Retail prices (so the Level 1 and 2) through the Actinic Link.

      3) I need to hide the Retail prices, and show prices to only login/registered customers (Level 1 and Level 2). I disable Retail prices under "Product details", "Prices" tab on some products to test

      4) I change a product price on Quickbooks to test, and update the prices through Actinic Link.

      5) Then I open Actinic Developer, and see the product's price has changed only on the "Simple" view (that doesn't do good, because I use the advanced mode for price levels) not on "Advanced" mode Price tab. Please the attachment .gif file for the snapshot.

      Attached Files


        Hi there

        Could you confirm please that in the online store it is still showing the old retail prices when you upload. I'm wondering whether it is just the user interface that is not updating itself.


          Retail price is not showing up, it's disabled. "Login for pricing" shows up instead of Retail Prices (it was something else, I've changed it from the design text)

          Logically, I thought Actinic Link should update the Retail Price no matter it's disabled or not. It updates the Price on "Simple View", but not the Retail Price.

          After the link update, the Retail Price changes whenever I enable it.

          Here is another question; is there a way to use a different product template for login customers? (I'm guessing not, but asking you for to make sure )


            This does sound like an Actinic problem that needs to be fixed. What I want to ascertain is whether the trade prices are being generated as if from the 'simple price' or from the greyed out 'old' price in the 'Prices' grid. In other words, is the store showing the logged-in customer prices correctly.

            It is not possible to use different templates for different customers I'm afraid. Simple HTML elements can be included that will only appear for certain customers with <Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE> tags as described in THIS knowledge base article.


              Yes, the store shows prices for login customers.

              But, I wouldn't say they are the correct prices. If you take a look at the attachment snapshot .gif file I had posted previously, that's the product detail view after an Actinic Link update.

              I disable the Retail Price

              Before update Retail Price: $21.95
              Before update 1st Level: $21.07
              Before update 2nd Level: $21.29

              -Retail customers see "Login for pricing" instead of a price;
              -Level 1 login customers see $21.07 when they login;
              -Level 2 login costomers see $21.29 when they login.

              After update the price should change to $5.00
              And -Retail customers should see "Login for pricing"
              -Level 1 login customers should see $4.80 when they login;
              -Level 2 login costomers should see $4.85 when they login.

              But, what they see remains the SAME
              -Retail customers see "Login for pricing" instead of a price;
              -Level 1 login customers see $21.07 when they login;
              -Level 2 login costomers see $21.29 when they login.


                Hmm - in which case this does look like an issue with the software.

                I will need to talk to the development team about a Perl-patch which will hide prices from retail customers without having to de-select 'Enabled'. I'll get back to you on this.


                  ok, I will wait for your reply Chris


                    Could you please give me your version number for Actinic (in Help | About) and your version number for Actinic Link (in version.ini within the installation directory).



                      Version Numbers

                      Actinic Developer:


                      Actinic Link:
                      ImportVersion=v1.2.1 DCEA
                      ExportVersion=v1.2.1 DCEA


                        Thanks for the info, I have passed this onto the devlopment team. I will let you know what they come up with.




                          Actinic Link for QuickBooks - Prices


                          I just tested this here using Actinic v7 and Actinic Link for QuickBooks (US) and it worked fine. After changing the price of an item in Quickbooks and transferring to Actinic all prices in the product were correctly updated (including the price schedule prices). However I can see from the customer supplied screenshot that the prices dont seem to have updated correctly. This needs more investigation. I've asked support to contact the customer.

                          Kevin Wilson


                            when should I call you, I'm in Dallas TX


                              The issue we have is that we cannot reproduce the problem with the prices not updating on our systems, so it looks like you have a specific problem local to your setup.

                              The complication is that we would probably not be able to test this properly without seeing your QuickBooks database and your Actinic snapshot. These are generally quite large and tricky to transfer around the net.

                              Have you been working with Brian Johnson at Sure Solutions at all? He is very good at QuickBooks Link and is also in a similar timezone.

