The following code -
Appears to create the following text on the first checkout page -
(the bottom one has had the text changed, but it is the option for a separate delivery address).
Can someone explain how actinic works this out? What is the difference between NETQUOTEDEL:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION and NETQUOTEVAR:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION? Why is NETQUOTEDEL:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION listed twice but with different results? or am I reading the wrong bit...?
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Country: United Kingdom
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Country: United Kingdom
If you want your order delivered to your work address tick here:
Can someone explain how actinic works this out? What is the difference between NETQUOTEDEL:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION and NETQUOTEVAR:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION? Why is NETQUOTEDEL:PRELIMINARYINFORMATION listed twice but with different results? or am I reading the wrong bit...?