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Errors in snapshot

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    Errors in snapshot


    I set up a site for a customer and entered a few products as an example. The customer then installed the software on their machine, loading the site using the snapshot import/export option.
    They have entered a lot of products, and uploaded the site successfully. The problem is the search feature only finds the products I had originally entered. I asked for a snapshot of the site, and when I loaded that on my machine it again only had the products I had originally entered.

    Any ideas?



    Hi there.

    Just a thought, did they enter their products directly into Actinic, or are they linking via an external database and entered their products in there?



      It was all entered directly into Actinic. Although I didn't see the version get set up I did provide the initial training on how to add products, and they are not likely to have done it any other way (user is not especially technical).


        I suggested she did a full site update, but this doesn't seem to have resolved the problem.
        We have also noticed that if you do a search within a price range that you receive the error message "Error reading the price index . The web site is probably being updated. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact us."



          I suggest your talk your customer through deleting all *.cat and all *.fil files from the 'Site1' folder and then doing a 'Web | Refresh Website'. That ought to kick-start proceedings.


            We have done that and it recreated all of the files without a problem.

            Interestingly, if you do a search on the site it provides search results with out of date information, product prices and descriptions have been changed but the search result list displays the old prices. When you click on the link it goes to the correct product, with the correct prices.


              You could try the refresh again - but this time remove all the *.cat and *.fil files from the acatalog directory on the server before the refresh. Please note that this will temporarily disable the site so it should only be done at a quiet moment.


                The site hasn't gone live yet. We had already tried that.

                It appears that the search is just not being updated. Some of the data that I originally entered has had it's prices changed, and although that product displays with the correct price, when you search for the item it is listed with the old price.
                Likewise with the site snapshot, it is only taking the original data. Is there any chance that in the transfer a second database was created on the customers machine?


                  Not sure.

                  Perhaps try de-selecting 'Price' from the 'Search Settings | Results' then uploading - then re-enable it and upload again. That's what I would try anyway.

                  Another neat trick (if the site isn't live yet) is to change currency to dollars (or something) then upload. Then change back and upload again.

                  Some things to try anyway.


                    Tried that, and although it does change the price to that selected, it is not effected the search (and I assume not effecting the snap shot in the same way).



                      I can't think of anything else to try.

                      I suggest registering an email support question at and have the email support team check out the snapshot.


                        We have actually managed to resolve this.

                        As the site was not live, we had added login security to the entire site. Although we were successfully uploading new/revised pages and images, for some reason the site search was not updating.
                        When we removed the security on the site and refreshed the site the search worked fine. For some reason that also sorted out the site snapshot!!

                        Thanks for the help,


