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Help with shipping

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    Help with shipping


    I wonder if someone can help me get some sleep tonight. I am trying to set up the shipping and having huge problems.

    I only want to be able to ship to mainland UK, Ireland and Northern Ireland. The UK shipping charge is £9.50 and Ireland and Northern Ireland are both £18.25.

    This is a fixed shipping charge, irrespective of the size or cost of the order.

    I have already read about going to Advanced | Locations and adding Northern Ireland as a 'State', this is now done. But what do I do to set the shipping the way I want, I seem only to be able to choose zones when you choose either quantity or weight shipping charges.

    In short, postage to england, wales and scotland is £9.50. Ireland and Northern Ireland is £18.25. These are fixed charges. How do I set this up?

    Hope someone can point me in the right direction.



    Hi Ben

    You are almost there, you are right when you say "I seem only to be able to choose zones when you choose either quantity or weight shipping charge". I suggest that you use weight based shipping and then do the following

    1. Add a new class under your zones and in that class set a nominal weight of about .01 and give it the rates you want.

    2. In the classes set Excess to "Take highest value in table"

    3. Set "If shipping band not defined" to "Do not allow shipping"

    Hope this helps
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at

